
UGG BootsMen's 6 -year closure of illegal cut away more than a thousand private e-mail sued

cut white-collar defendant to go more than a thousand letters a private e-mail

quickly sent a reply on the other side, said his company's internal management personnel to master the plastic e-mail, which contains the company's trade secrets. Named Ma promised to pay 2000 yuan reward each other first, to find out.

peek after the set to Zhu explained that he had worked in the plastics company, in charge of procurement management and working in Wang, Wang, e-mail account and that password. When he found the message in the company's materials procurement and management, they intend to forward the messages through to their mailbox, and then sell to others the way for profit. Zhu peek at the mail are each set to

few days later, the other sent a group e-mails, named Ma surprise: the message contains information about new products, the main raw material purchase price, purchase plans. Named Ma found that the content should come from the management company responsible for the procurement of Wang's e-mail. Named Ma felt, must be the company's e-mail system and Wang's personal freedom of communication be violated,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com]Moncler[/url], so he immediately reported.

Additionally, Zhu also logged in the same way other people's mail. The investigation, from 2003 to 2009 six-year period, Zhu Wang, who repeatedly illegally intercepted e-mail, only in their notebooks have seized more than 1,000 letters.

was selling company secrets

Jiading District Prosecutor's Office that, although Zhu plastics company illegally obtained trade secrets, trade secrets, but not to cause significant loss of rights, his conduct does not constitute a violation of commercial secrets. However, the victim's e-mail not only for work, but also for private correspondence, therefore, Zhu illegally intercepted e-mail, violate the victim's freedom and privacy of correspondence, and the long time span, intercepted large quantities, according to the relevant regulations, Zhu's behavior constituted an infringement of freedom of communication has been suspected of the crime.

message to the company's competitors to sell trade secrets alleged violations of freedom of communication crime

Zhu had suffered from work relationship with the company that sent the e-mail accounts and Wang, password, out of curiosity,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Boots[/url], he repeatedly view the messages without login to the mailbox. The investigation, up to six years,[url=http://www.ouou.in/]UGG Boots Sale[/url], he and others illegally intercepted Wang E-mail more than 1,000 letters. Recently, Jiading District Prosecutor's Office for alleged violation of freedom of communication will Zhu crime prosecution.

Last July, a plastics company's vice president named Ma heard that someone e-mail to competitors, claims that the other party to provide in-house e-mail contacts the important information. In order to understand the truth, named Ma asked to release information e-mail, and and the other contact.

Post correspondent correspondent Tu Su Jianbo Xu Leilei Jun

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