
Moncler Kid UkRescued two elderly people from reservoirs after the drowning boy

rescued thanks to his family when their loved ones

He recalled, he saw his brother was saved only after the ease travel alone to the shore, and when his strength has been hold out no longer, he said, should now be finished cooking Liu grandfather's funeral, his future Liu grandfather's family will as relatives. And yesterday, one day, a small ultra-yuan Liu hall sitting before the silence, big. The reporter Qiu Junfeng

At this time, a child and a young man went to Liu Yuan's body before kneeling on the ground crying: 12-year-old boy was his cousin Xiaobin (a pseudonym), 18-year-old. The day before yesterday, Liu Yuan rescued them from the reservoir.

According to the villagers say, saving is 78-year-old Liu Yuan, the sun roof when he was home,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/moncler-kid-c-10.html]Moncler Kid Uk[/url], corn, not far from Xiaobin heard cries for help, he grabbed a bamboo pole on the red to the reservoir side,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/moncler-kid-c-10.html]Moncler Kid Uk[/url], took off his pants to jump into the water, however, after a little over the catch pole, or to the water to sink, he had to give up the bamboo pole, with one hand clinging to a small super, swim to the shore.

According to the two boys said, the day before noon, lunch, little cousin came over Xiaobin, begged his cousins ​​took him to the East Temple Reservoir swimming. East Temple the most shallow reservoir has 5 meters, was often drowning each summer, adults do not allow children to swim, but this is not super-small swimming.

yesterday, who lives in the town of tractor Buddha Lezhi the Nitian Zhen Wan that ushered in the age of 80 his birthday,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/moncler-kid-c-10.html]Moncler Kid Uk[/url], but she was immersed in grief. Because, from morning till evening with her husband of 60 years, Liu Yuan forever left ... ... the day before yesterday afternoon, the 78-year-old Liu Yuan more than 10 meters in the home of the East Temple reservoir rescued two people, but he never surfaced ... ...

two without the knowledge of adults, through a Tin Par place to find a clear water, Xiaobin brother's body with his left hand to grip, teach him to swim. After 10 minutes, a small ultra suddenly call themselves Xiaobin paddling with his right hand,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/moncler-kid-c-10.html]Moncler Kid Uk[/url], to the shore tour. Although less than 30 meters away from the shore, but the tour less than 56 meters, Xiaobin's attention on the somewhat vague, but also choke a few saliva, he struggled a few times on the shore called . After a few minutes, he vaguely saw the shore four or five individuals, someone shouting

another villager Li Mao after he heard cries for help to drive over, he saw, Xiaobin is safe to swim to the shore, while more than 20 meters of water offshore, Liu Yuan leaning over a small, positive sink into the water! He quickly jumped out of the water swim in the past, when he swam to the side when the ultra-small, small ultra-only hair but also floating in the water, and Liu Yuan has been omitted. He left a small ultra-grip body, quickly swim to the shore. At this time, many villagers have to drive over, but they never see Liu Yuan surfaced ... ...

then, who moved to the village for many years without fishing,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/moncler-kid-c-10.html]Moncler Kid Uk[/url], water-based selection of several good men, holding hooks, fishing nets, bamboo and other tools in the water fishing, and finally, in the nearly four hours later, the Liu Yuan salvage up, and he had stopped breathing.

villagers recall, this is the third rescue of Liu Yuan. Tractor Wan branch Peng Shuji memories, 10 years ago, Liu Yuan more than 60 years old, rescued in the two reservoirs to swim here from overseas students, about two years later, Liu Yuan and in the water to the village a were more than 10-year-old boy saved up,

daughter Yang Liu Yuan Sun, said yesterday, it is a 80-year-old grandmother Ni Tianzhen birthday, the family said good to be together celebrate, but Grandpa has never left.

yesterday morning, before dawn, while The villagers face grief, carrying candles fruit, Liu Yuan came to the hall before the last one to see him.

to the shore. To the shore, Xiaobin complete paralysis of the whole person down, lips turn blue, pale, unconscious for half an hour to wake up.

rescued two elderly people sinking into the water

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