
Monster Headphones2 -year-old girl likes to eat paper products not found because the hospital for ex

Then,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], with another ride with her car, one hand on the handlebars, one hand still tightly holding the toilet paper, despite whoever is determined not to. With toilet paper with my father to come, full of fine words to coax her, she having left out a small tear to my father, riding a car and then quickly walked away.

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then come up with a bunch of snacks with the mother on the sofa, including chocolate, pie and some drinks, of course, the mother with a special place with a roll of toilet paper, so come with with election. With riding with her car over, it seems that one would stare at the white toilet paper roll on the hand will take, but the adults looked back, unexpectedly opened the hand, then picked up a piece of chocolate eaten with relish up. Just thought we would forget the toilet paper with with this thing when I did not expect her to other snacks piled on the side of the toilet paper alone on a sofa on the other side, then put his hand deliberately pushed to the ground roll of toilet paper . Down with the car with quickly went to the other side of the sofa, picked up the toilet paper, the smiling little face all red again.

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so I did not pick it up, with their home year-old daughter ran with a sudden rush to pick up when I did not seriously think that children in joke, did not think her father was tense, and quickly put toilet paper under their feet stepped on, but the child still holding her father's ton of bricks legs to pick up toilet paper. Then, her father was to talk to us about the child's story turned out, they even have children at home to eat toilet paper habit . Was two years old are in the living room with riding with a car everywhere, reporters see her big eyes, looks very pretty cute.

If you have a bunch of snacks and a roll of toilet paper together with with what would choose? Correspondents say this to the question with with mother, she was sure that toilet paper.

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With holding her favorite toilet paper with

You will look at other, she is going to be torn tissue paper into a group of groups, and then hidden in the clothes. She will hide in order not to eat toilet paper,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], correspondent with with with playing the game, and get him to eat snacks, but not always with open hands with toilet paper. Later, with her mother while she was not looking with the toilet paper only then took back.

not find the toilet paper with with eating at home is not like her parents hoped to get rid of it habit to eat toilet paper? Of events with their parents with entirely contrary to expectations, she not only did not get rid of this habit, but on the other paper began to be interested.

including with the mother told reporters that she was only last year found her strange behavior of eating toilet paper. , turned out to be chewed into a small lump of tissue. more so we do not understand is that after she finished chewing and swallowed it also directly. Then we found a roll of toilet paper on a shelf next to her, and many were torn into a one of. But as long as she saw, she appeared very excited, even shaking started to grab us later, we have repeatedly criticized the child, told her that toilet paper is not good, and even sometimes beat her, hoping to help her get rid of This habit, however, not only does not get rid of the child, but also learned to avoid eating with us and we see her pick up toilet paper several times after her hand quietly in their pockets,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], to find a place where no one to eat. with the mother told reporters that she was very helpless and can only try to hide the toilet paper, do not let her see.

including with the mother told reporters that this habit may be to cultivate a relationship with a child with. not noisy, and play quietly in the side of the toilet paper, a one of them torn, we were also very pleased that the children play their own toilet paper save a lot of adult heart, as she is the last to eat toilet paper when it is discovered. the first time, keep holding the leg twitch, this time her face is always Biede red, and kept breathing heavily, no matter how we call her, she will not reason that we, even if We did not stretch to help her massage any effect. This, and her situation is the same time to eat toilet paper there, and we suspect that both may have some relationship. Paper hide things there is no other way than to check out what the hospital did not result,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], hope to have this experience in the public and experts to give us support Weapon. Some will go to school and then a large, if not change this habit, then again, would not even have to eat a book? Text / reporter Wang Shouhua

with two years of age with (a pseudonym) is Yishui County, Linyi City, Town, a village a villager surnamed Yang's daughter, cleverness, few noisy, but from last year beginning,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], Mr. Zhang and his wife were surprised to find that their baby daughter even eating toilet paper. Then, they put all the family went into hiding toilet paper, I did not expect her situation becomes more serious.

21 days, at Mr. Zhang's home, the reporter found to contain with no difference with the other children. Including with the mother told reporters: out of hand with her mother with a large piece of toilet paper to include with, I did not expect to see after eyes light up with with, put the toilet paper out of a small hand grab of the past, tightly in his hand. How to reporters with her, she refused to ask her not to do that.

she began to have interest in any cardboard, cardboard boxes at home will take advantage of the two adults pay attention to eating, eat candy out of the paper packaging together will eat, even on the door of the couplets are left off, teeth that eat red tongue also unaware. In this regard, Mr. Zhang also bring her to the local hospital before, but it has not found the reason. Currently, a person in addition to all the things hide to see the paper, but also there is no other way.

Slowly, we also found that children eating hawthorn films, even outside of the paper packaging should eat together. new goals, taking advantage of adults do not pay attention to tear couplets to eat, toilet paper

with with father told reporters, including eating, with normal, not without toilet paper if not clamoring to see. But as long as she saw, she seemed just as guilty of addiction, a little excitement along with the adults to toilet paper. do not eat these drugs. Besides, the children ate the paper, not with iron but also take on the relationship.

France a In February 2004, the 62-year-old French man, 12 days after surgery, died of complications. One of his doctors doctor said Bruno François, this man has the habit of eating coins for over 10 years.

30 years ago, the Dutch woman, Margaret Alma because of unbearable stomach pain, a Rotterdam hospital. Diagnostic results are staggering: Margaret's stomach actually have 78 silver spoon and fork. This anecdote was only until October 2009, a German medical journal exposure. The doctor said she suffers from borderline personality disorder, causing her spoon and fork like cutlery with inexplicable desire.

2011 In July, a 26-year-old British women found that he was particularly want to eat the furniture polish. Although she knew this poor fetal development, but can not control themselves. Doctors diagnosed her with pica, which eat not the food thing. Were river

11 20, this reporter received Yishui County, Linyi City, Ms. Zhang Yang Town village village phone, she told reporters in their village have a two year old girl, even the toilet paper as a snack to eat.

A surprise: her daughter to eat toilet paper even in the

C wonder: Why can not find his daughter before going to bed and often convulsions

British women love to eat the furniture polish

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2011 In February, Florida, USA There are a preferable cleaning products for 19-year-old girl, at least a week to eat five soap to This state lasted six months later, Tepa Batista was finally able to see a doctor. Later, she was told is suffering from a rare pica. Doctors think it is mainly caused by the pressure, she herself accepted this argument, romance to Tepa Vista caused great psychological damage and stress.

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