
Monster Storehigh-speed bus girl suddenly collapsed on the third instar convulsions

high-speed bus girl suddenly collapsed on the third instar convulsions

Ningbo traffic police broke down the railings toll lanes full rescue

□ correspondent Xia Yasheng

our reporter Wang Chenhui text / photo

Morning News yesterday, Ningbo beltway to 69 km at the direction of Paul Temple, a bus, a passenger suddenly collapsed. High-speed traffic police after receiving the relief driver, Urgent to passengers sent to hospital.

washed down on the bus anxious mother

yesterday morning, the high-speed traffic Xia Yasheng drive a police vehicle patrol in Ningbo beltway. 8:45 Xu, Zhejiang BF2600 a license plate number of the bus, suddenly in the patrol car in front of the emergency stop, Xia Yasheng immediately pull over.

bus driver hurried from the car, the car famous little girl coma, convulsions, parents extremely anxious, urgent hospital, for failing to open up the alarm call in vain.

Yuehua Jian, the anxious mother, holding the girl washed down from the car. I saw the girls face ashen, eyes wide open,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Store[/url], has been in a coma, convulsions. Mother tongue in order to keep the kids bite, he just put his finger into her mouth bar and let her bite.

Xia Yasheng immediately open the door, leaning on her daughter on the train set out on his father, including three girls, galloped to the hospital.

road,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Online[/url], Xia Yasheng while driving with the radio report to the command center. Recommendation in the command center, summer police officers chose the route bound for Minnesota hospitals, because only this line the fastest, and the road is not easy to jam.

mother in the back seat girl kept shouting:

child is guilty of this second disease

summer police officers while driving comfort the mother. Dialogue that, Jingyi This is the second occurrence of this situation was. Previous treatment in a timely manner because, over the hump. But I did not expect the second incidence is on the high-speed bus.

because of a sudden, the couple do not know how to do what,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], good-hearted people to help the car to call the police, someone call 110, someone call 120, because not tell the exact address, no contact has been good . It was also suggested to drive the truck driver to the hospital directly, but the car was supposed to go to Hangzhou, the driver Master Chen is also very difficult.

At this point, the car has been open to Ningbo high-speed around 69 km to the direction of Paul Temple at, when we are extremely anxious occasion, Master Chen found by Ginger North to the direction of Paul Temple, open patrol car. Master Chen treasured bus immediately by going to the police car and hit the hazard lights and stopped the car, then place the beginning of that scene.

decisive break open the toll lanes within the railings

at the moment, police are trying to open the summer of police. Soon to Ningbo Xi toll station. Is the fastest speed through the crowded toll booth, through lanes, summer police officers broke decisively within the pay channel railings. Although the car and railings are crashing, but Xia Yasheng has not so much.

out of the toll station, that is, urban roads, which means that there are numerous traffic lights and crowded traffic.

Xia Yasheng sounding the alarm, turn on headlights and dual flash, constantly changing lanes. Father with a child through megaphone, shouted to the vehicle in front, , also have to make a lane. Especially in the Airport Road to the intersection at Highway 34, there were passenger cars awaiting passage in case the red light, but the driver at a red light for the police to give way, so by the police first.

traffic police detachment to drive the front guide

when the car dealers to Yinzhou Avenue and Younger Avenue intersection, due to severe shock, a sudden failure of police sirens, lights are exterminate. Happens at this time, Ningbo detachment Guo Jun, deputy chief of detachment drove through here,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Boot[/url], also joined the rescue operation. Captains from the car in front of the guide Guo,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], Xia Yasheng drive followed, and soon to a Minnesota hospital.

Ningbo Xi from the highway exit to the Minnesota Hospital, nearly 15 km of urban roads, as many as nine traffic lights, but in the Captains and Xiaya Sheng Guo and his father with a child under ten only minutes, small Jingyi will be sent to the destination.

was subsequently understood that the 3-year-old girl is traveling with her parents from Xiangshan to Hangzhou. With the way the onset of coma and convulsions, parents explained that may be caused by a fever.

present, small Ningbo Jingyi women and children had been transferred to hospital for treatment. As of press time, the small Jingyi still in hospital receiving treatment in intensive care units.

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