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economy was in crisis, domestic prices have been soaring, and we had expected store sales up 15% -20% growth is very good, know what the second half of last year, sales gains across the board all the way, ultimately driving sales throughout the year increase of up to 25% or more.

, a Guangzhou Hawker took his post-consumer exchange of hundreds Duijiang Quan Duijiang to La Plaza Service, according to site Duijiang rough accounting of the staff, according to the Consumer 5000 yuan for a Duijiang Quan computing, the guest spent at least a hundred million to buy luxury goods.

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2008 after the financial crisis,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], the global luxury consumption growth is declining sharply, Chanel Group, so lay off 200 employees accounted for 1 / 10; French couture brand Christian Lacroix filed for bankruptcy protection; British luxury ceramics company Waterford Wedgwood filed for bankruptcy protection, the U.S. private equity firm KPS acquisition of part of its global assets,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], including the Hong Kong subsidiary. In China, consumption of luxury goods, why was it buck the trend?

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□ What people in the consumption of luxury goods? They buy luxury goods? How consumption of luxury goods?


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in Guangzhou friendship Vacheron Constantin counter, a sales staff told reporters that there is a special collection watches like the VIP, section of the table is necessary to inform him that he look at the table, just like it, never asked to buy down the price, he said to himself has a collection of twenty seventy-eight watches, from a few one hundred and one thousand to several million dollars a He only likes to buy the world's top ten brand name watches.


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Yangcheng Evening News reporter activity from two New Year to thank the organizers of VIP --- Guangzhou Friendship and La Perle was informed that the luxury market in Guangzhou in 2010 showed more than 25% annual sales growth,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], much higher than the department store industry, the growth rate of other consumer goods, and luxury consumer group is also expanding.

consumption of the rich always attract people's attention. In most top business district of Guangzhou --- Central City East district, beginning of the year was not within 20 days of continuous consumption of the rich two-staged event: a set cost 150 million yuan a night VIP consumption of which 35 million yuan staggering luxury; another two hours to spend there Guangzhou Hawker hundreds of million to buy luxury goods scene.

In fact, due to appreciation of the renminbi, to Hong Kong to buy such a luxury can save about 20% of money. Why are these high rollers are still willing to spend money in Guangzhou?

the same evening, a couple from the Sanshui in less than half hours are spent 100,000 yuan to buy designer bags and shoes. like limited edition stuff, so back out to different. Recently,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com/]Moncler Sale[/url], I fell in love Hermès bag, even a price of $ 120,000 in advance orders.

Guangzhou is how the rich luxury consumption? Reporters in the days of the investigation to find some answers.

and La also has a lot of luxury Guangzhou Friendship luxury goods sales in 2010 increased by 28.6 percent year on year, more than the average increase in department store type merchandise. , as the representative of the luxury jewelry imports, an increase of more than 35%, which, Cartier, Piaget and other name jewelry, Chopard, Rolex, Omega, Tudor watches and imported cosmetic brands such as La mer, Chanel and so on achieved excellent sales results. Jiang Guoyuan most memorable was on May 25, Guangzhou Friendship Store in Central City East do thank the VIP audience of the annual discount promotions: luxury consumption of up to 35 million yuan or more.

friendship, according to data, its VIP customers double-digit growth every year, while store sales for VIP customers contribution rate of more than 60%, this figure is in the La 70%. Therefore, for the maintenance and selection of VIP customers has become a required course for high-end businesses.

This may be a luxury in Guangzhou in recent years, the growing consumer group one of the reasons.

130 million sold a bag

and GELVAN ONG said that as seen in the Mainland market continues to expand, also use their brains to minimize the luxury goods business in Hong Kong's price advantage, for example, some luxury brands in Guangzhou than in Hong Kong but also on style new, and some styles are unique to the mainland.

Yangcheng Evening News reporter Sun Jing

Guangzhou luxury consumption growth for two reasons

□ buy luxury goods cheaper in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, why they are willing to spend?

senior luxury senior management GELVAN ONG analysis, on the one hand people the luxury of increasing awareness. On the other hand, China's economy has been rapid development in recent years has encouraged a rich man. Hoogewerf There are two types of Chinese people get rich first, with the reform and opening up a family, they have accumulated 30 years a great deal of wealth, especially in the child born after 1980, wealthy, they are often in the top luxury goods consumption as a vanguard role. The other is white-collar and gold collar fashion, the proportion of their consumption of luxury goods are often used to account for total personal income in a very high percentage.

at least five Hawker spent 25 million yuan a year

such as Guangzhou Friendship Company provides consumer Diamond VIP period totaled 15 points or more can apply for this card is extreme; La Perle VIP must be a one-time spending 25,000 yuan or 50,000 yuan a month is enough cumulative consumption qualifications. . This is reflected from a side chasing the rich are getting Guangzhou luxury consumption.

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Monster Headphones2 -year-old girl likes to eat paper products not found because the hospital for ex

Then,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], with another ride with her car, one hand on the handlebars, one hand still tightly holding the toilet paper, despite whoever is determined not to. With toilet paper with my father to come, full of fine words to coax her, she having left out a small tear to my father, riding a car and then quickly walked away.

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then come up with a bunch of snacks with the mother on the sofa, including chocolate, pie and some drinks, of course, the mother with a special place with a roll of toilet paper, so come with with election. With riding with her car over, it seems that one would stare at the white toilet paper roll on the hand will take, but the adults looked back, unexpectedly opened the hand, then picked up a piece of chocolate eaten with relish up. Just thought we would forget the toilet paper with with this thing when I did not expect her to other snacks piled on the side of the toilet paper alone on a sofa on the other side, then put his hand deliberately pushed to the ground roll of toilet paper . Down with the car with quickly went to the other side of the sofa, picked up the toilet paper, the smiling little face all red again.

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so I did not pick it up, with their home year-old daughter ran with a sudden rush to pick up when I did not seriously think that children in joke, did not think her father was tense, and quickly put toilet paper under their feet stepped on, but the child still holding her father's ton of bricks legs to pick up toilet paper. Then, her father was to talk to us about the child's story turned out, they even have children at home to eat toilet paper habit . Was two years old are in the living room with riding with a car everywhere, reporters see her big eyes, looks very pretty cute.

If you have a bunch of snacks and a roll of toilet paper together with with what would choose? Correspondents say this to the question with with mother, she was sure that toilet paper.

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With holding her favorite toilet paper with

You will look at other, she is going to be torn tissue paper into a group of groups, and then hidden in the clothes. She will hide in order not to eat toilet paper,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], correspondent with with with playing the game, and get him to eat snacks, but not always with open hands with toilet paper. Later, with her mother while she was not looking with the toilet paper only then took back.

not find the toilet paper with with eating at home is not like her parents hoped to get rid of it habit to eat toilet paper? Of events with their parents with entirely contrary to expectations, she not only did not get rid of this habit, but on the other paper began to be interested.

including with the mother told reporters that she was only last year found her strange behavior of eating toilet paper. , turned out to be chewed into a small lump of tissue. more so we do not understand is that after she finished chewing and swallowed it also directly. Then we found a roll of toilet paper on a shelf next to her, and many were torn into a one of. But as long as she saw, she appeared very excited, even shaking started to grab us later, we have repeatedly criticized the child, told her that toilet paper is not good, and even sometimes beat her, hoping to help her get rid of This habit, however, not only does not get rid of the child, but also learned to avoid eating with us and we see her pick up toilet paper several times after her hand quietly in their pockets,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], to find a place where no one to eat. with the mother told reporters that she was very helpless and can only try to hide the toilet paper, do not let her see.

including with the mother told reporters that this habit may be to cultivate a relationship with a child with. not noisy, and play quietly in the side of the toilet paper, a one of them torn, we were also very pleased that the children play their own toilet paper save a lot of adult heart, as she is the last to eat toilet paper when it is discovered. the first time, keep holding the leg twitch, this time her face is always Biede red, and kept breathing heavily, no matter how we call her, she will not reason that we, even if We did not stretch to help her massage any effect. This, and her situation is the same time to eat toilet paper there, and we suspect that both may have some relationship. Paper hide things there is no other way than to check out what the hospital did not result,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], hope to have this experience in the public and experts to give us support Weapon. Some will go to school and then a large, if not change this habit, then again, would not even have to eat a book? Text / reporter Wang Shouhua

with two years of age with (a pseudonym) is Yishui County, Linyi City, Town, a village a villager surnamed Yang's daughter, cleverness, few noisy, but from last year beginning,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], Mr. Zhang and his wife were surprised to find that their baby daughter even eating toilet paper. Then, they put all the family went into hiding toilet paper, I did not expect her situation becomes more serious.

21 days, at Mr. Zhang's home, the reporter found to contain with no difference with the other children. Including with the mother told reporters: out of hand with her mother with a large piece of toilet paper to include with, I did not expect to see after eyes light up with with, put the toilet paper out of a small hand grab of the past, tightly in his hand. How to reporters with her, she refused to ask her not to do that.

she began to have interest in any cardboard, cardboard boxes at home will take advantage of the two adults pay attention to eating, eat candy out of the paper packaging together will eat, even on the door of the couplets are left off, teeth that eat red tongue also unaware. In this regard, Mr. Zhang also bring her to the local hospital before, but it has not found the reason. Currently, a person in addition to all the things hide to see the paper, but also there is no other way.

Slowly, we also found that children eating hawthorn films, even outside of the paper packaging should eat together. new goals, taking advantage of adults do not pay attention to tear couplets to eat, toilet paper

with with father told reporters, including eating, with normal, not without toilet paper if not clamoring to see. But as long as she saw, she seemed just as guilty of addiction, a little excitement along with the adults to toilet paper. do not eat these drugs. Besides, the children ate the paper, not with iron but also take on the relationship.

France a In February 2004, the 62-year-old French man, 12 days after surgery, died of complications. One of his doctors doctor said Bruno François, this man has the habit of eating coins for over 10 years.

30 years ago, the Dutch woman, Margaret Alma because of unbearable stomach pain, a Rotterdam hospital. Diagnostic results are staggering: Margaret's stomach actually have 78 silver spoon and fork. This anecdote was only until October 2009, a German medical journal exposure. The doctor said she suffers from borderline personality disorder, causing her spoon and fork like cutlery with inexplicable desire.

2011 In July, a 26-year-old British women found that he was particularly want to eat the furniture polish. Although she knew this poor fetal development, but can not control themselves. Doctors diagnosed her with pica, which eat not the food thing. Were river

11 20, this reporter received Yishui County, Linyi City, Ms. Zhang Yang Town village village phone, she told reporters in their village have a two year old girl, even the toilet paper as a snack to eat.

A surprise: her daughter to eat toilet paper even in the

C wonder: Why can not find his daughter before going to bed and often convulsions

British women love to eat the furniture polish

French 10-year old man eating 350 coins

2011 In February, Florida, USA There are a preferable cleaning products for 19-year-old girl, at least a week to eat five soap to This state lasted six months later, Tepa Batista was finally able to see a doctor. Later, she was told is suffering from a rare pica. Doctors think it is mainly caused by the pressure, she herself accepted this argument, romance to Tepa Vista caused great psychological damage and stress.

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and wife found his strange hairstyle.

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Yesterday was the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. Early in the morning, Mr. Wang, who lives Shuinian He got up, he was going to the supermarket buy some fresh ingredients, prepared at the family reunion dinner. Mr. Wang has just 72 on the bus, eyes suddenly light up: driver is tidal: This hairstyle is not afraid of passengers on the wrong bus

Huang Yi Feng

drivers Post reporter Liu Xiaoqing Liu Peng Photography

own reason: road accompanied by feelings of deep and 72 7 years

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Beats Monster with FireThe man said was the first prize in the lottery prize 24 years later forgot t

There are advertising,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-monster-with-fire-c-16.html]Beats Monster with Fire[/url], hoping to find that he had telephoned the steward or other source, but also his justice.

in the financial industry, Mr. Ban said that his family can still get hold of most want to understand things, untie knot, their money is certainly good, if not will continue to pursue, do good things, and I want to decide by themselves which organizations to donate; not have even no, are to me Send a receipt! , plus had to check the library, said he's betting number should be According to newspaper clippings checked, the former with the 1985 82 lottery winning numbers match, the latter in the second prize, the period of the first and second prize are one note scored a bonus of 1,684,400 yuan.

Club the evening of 2 responded that if Mr. Pan is really winning, not 60 days after the registration will not be able to accept the award, they also no obligation to check the record of 20 years ago.

In November, Mr. Ban calls received by the Club, he has recently asked by telephone bets, he said, Administration Building will be registered. Now he intended to confirm the event the Club intends to go out with my daughter, but her daughter to go and sent to hospital for accidental falls were injured, a rush that he forgot to call regarding the Jockey Club, a forgotten is 20 years.

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BEIJING, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) according to Hong Kong's wrong under the sun why do not realize ... ... years later, he suddenly remembered this story, tracing the original in the next year believe that their first prize, the horse will verify to no avail, decided to search notices published in the newspaper,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-monster-with-fire-c-16.html]Beats Monster with Fire[/url], hoping to find year's lottery steward testify.

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UGG Boots SaleRetirement village to buy the F-6 fighter for free viewing ( map )

The fighters are printed on both sides of the fuselage with two large red five-pointed star.

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in the park office, a staff member told reporters that the park owner surnamed Yuan and the fighter, that's legal: Yuanliu Bing.

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(Reporter Dongzhe She shadow reports) to promote patriotism and commemorate the sacrifice of a pilot village, Chang Ping Yuan Shan Pui Village Yuanliu Bing bought an old retired F-6 fighter, put In the self-built for people to visit the park free of charge,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Boots Sale[/url], at the local cause quite a stir.

According to Yuan Liubing old man introduced him to buy this fighter, aim for the exhibition. On the one hand to commemorate the Yuan Shan Pui Tsuen one in the 1960s and the expense of the U.S. Air Force combat pilots employed on the martyrs Yuan. In addition, planning to build in the park patriotic education base.

yesterday, the reporter in the Changping Road, Yuen Shan Pui ring road next to a This fighter.

free exhibition commemorating the martyrs

he said, Yuanlao has more than 60 years of age, Yuan Shan Pui village, before building their own business, take care of old age and the son is now the park is an enthusiastic patriot.

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members of the public asked whether the purchase of private retirement fighter, Mr. Yuan Lao acquired through what channels, and how much money? But Mr. Yuan Lao introduced not make too much. Said to build only the cement and steel freight booth spent four or five million.

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card reads: (Jiangxi network correspondent Qiuhui Jiang photo)
to make people believe that (Jiangxi network correspondent Qiuhui Jiang photo)

Correspondent: Why do you want to do transgender women? Since when have such thoughts?

News China Jiangxi Nanchang, December 18 (Reporter Qiuhui Jiang reports) wearing a red jacket, black stockings, short skirts, high heels, height of 1.8 meters, a long curly hair, apply a Prostitute twist the body, posing sexy pose, under the watchful eyes, a big show of dance. This is not Simon show, more than this man crazy. Instead, a graduating senior male wants a sex change operation, but suffer from money, to arouse people's attention, hype themselves.

from the beginning they also through demonstrations, brand, etc. to give cause for concern, and finally come out with the hospital for their surgery for free.

Reporter: But you know what to do surgery to a deformation of more than 10 million cost, and you may later discriminated against by others, to consider in every respect, you have to face many difficulties, you know it?

Reporter: Is it because of this reason, today you have this behavior?

Reporter: But you have your child at home if your parents know you are such an act, they really will not be sick?

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Liuren Wei: I start from the four-year-old had this idea has not changed. I want a real transgender woman, not a spur of the moment.

Liuren Wei: They told me to keep a certain distance, and I do not really face, calm and get along. I basically have no friends.

not considering the feelings of his family.

four boys called Liuren Wei, Jiangsu, 21 years old. Liuren Wei told reporters, because a sex change operation to more than 10 million, so he wanted to get attention this way.

Liuren Wei: I know, but no matter what kind of difficulties, I will be comfortable with, I will not retreat, I will not give up! .

Liuren Wei: Yes. Two months ago I was also cheated out of friends, beat a meal.

Reporter: Why did they beat you?

Liuren Wei: I think it was my own difficulties, psychological self can not stand the pressure of the difficulties.

Reporter: In school, someone you get along with friends?

Reporter: Have you ever thought your parents think?

Liuren Wei: I like to dance, likes to sing, like to show their talent for everyone to see.

Liu Renwei: a thought. But if I am not happy, living with death, I take care of my parents talk about it! Them if for my sake, I want happiness, they would support me this way,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/beats-monster-with-fire-c-16.html]Beats Monster with Fire[/url], right?

Liu Renwei: Because they say, I was Simon, I do not look pleasing to the eye.

Liu Renwei: look before.

Liuren Wei: I think as long as I want freedom, happiness and desire to fight, you will support me.

correspondents: they can accept you?

Reporter: Do you usually like to do?

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Reporter: Do you think you do, you act like you can understand it?

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Reporter: You had a boyfriend before you find it?

Liuren Wei: Since high school, they (parents) to control me, I had to to, but my heart has long been a women's mental life. The university, I have a mature mind, so I think I can live with the status of women, I am confident.

Correspondent: So you also want to seek some financial help? Hope we all support you?

Reporter: What do you do after a woman then, you want to do it?

Reporter: Do you think you are now facing the greatest difficulties for?

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the face of a stranger, Ice is not timid, despite a medical examination. shoes, clothes, a good place ...

Ice saw a cluster of thick roots of the ears black hair, the neck into a piece of black hair, a long half-length, black hair back as long as the hair (pictured); was covered with black hair is still long left arm have prickly heat, left arm armpit the size of a thumb-like sarcoma.

... As the heavy rains hit, Wei Zhihui house collapsed a month, they can only use nylon bags barricaded shack, but the following is the new home just down the shanty a good foundation, due to insufficient funds to build a house, so on hold.

■ Al-Hayat correspondent Wei Xia intern Fan Luwei text / map

after shearing, plucking a high fever

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Zhou Li: Yes.

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■ dialog

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Beijing News: But you should not too serious expression of it,

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Zhou Li: I care about is I want to experience the injustice so that more people know, to let more people know my experience. Not to think about the result.

involved the death of his father, I have been guilty

Zhou Li spoke as simple as his name, always two out of two of the spring.

Zhou Li: This sentence is very serious. Absolutely true, this is not a struggle with one or two days they can think of, which is more than two years experience.

He denied sending side He said that his appeal is simply that the original hope that the Government's illegal to be punished.

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Beijing News: you do care about what is it?

Zhou Li center in Wuxi Sanyang Parkson near the holding banners. Source: Modern Express

our reporter Liu Di Zhu

software engineer, he was careful and methodical work, every time he reported the company's original letter, return receipt and the complaint made into a photo, carefully collated and stored on a computer.

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Beijing News: Do you think the words to express what is the point? Or how to understand the meaning of words?

Zhou Li: They accept certain side lost. Not have any effect.

Zhou Li: people have told me they were out of communication, but without result.

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Saussurea is from here to the fourth floor of a small window (Circle Office) falling.

9 18, Tan g be prepared to spend a day of mind thank you. He would like to thank the person is (Guangxi), secondary school principals Pan Yizhou Hu Desheng. Because Pan tiger, snow lotus of his daughter only a

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Qin Keding and his wife have one child a daughter. Currently, a family of four to rent in Yizhou Desheng secondary school teachers dormitory floor.

8 31 afternoon, Qin Keding Meet with friends to go out to play a. His wife see his daughter is sleeping, called 14-year-old son at home watching live, then go out to repair their mobile phone. Because his son can be fun, the students called him, he shut the door,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], they would play the. At this point, leaving her a small snow lotus.

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120 arrived, a small snow lotus was rushed to hospital. After diagnosis, shares her left middle neck fractures, soft tissue penetration of jaw injury, fortunately, brain and other internal organs did not find much problem. Then hold a child's Pan tiger, due to a huge impact, causing arm pain, but no serious problem.

falls girl has been discharged rest

9 afternoon of 18, set in the Qin grams of home, the reporter saw a small snow lotus, she was discharged a week, was lying down watching cartoons, and her mother talking and laughing together. She had stitches at the needle jaw, left leg at the left femoral to also cast immobilization with, unable to walk. Doctors said the child after discharge from hospital subject to regular review, two or three months can be recovered.

the original day of the incident, after waking up looking small Saussurea own mother, but found no one at home, to open the door and they can not, and that they stand a chair climb up the ledge.

in Tan Keding home, the reporter noted that window from the interior surface of about one meter high, and next to some little snow lotus can easily move the chair. Outside the window, just below the concrete pavement that is, no security net and any cushions. According to Qin g be estimated from the sill to the ground about 12 meters high.

Tan g be recalled, when he received a neighbor's phone, the feet are weak, and a friend drove him home, his mind a mess.

He said the child was discharged, he always wanted to please a meal to show thanks Tiger Pan, Pan tiger can always politely refused. (Xinhua Guangxi Channel / southern China Morning Post Chen Wei Zhu Changmin)

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high-speed bus girl suddenly collapsed on the third instar convulsions

Ningbo traffic police broke down the railings toll lanes full rescue

□ correspondent Xia Yasheng

our reporter Wang Chenhui text / photo

Morning News yesterday, Ningbo beltway to 69 km at the direction of Paul Temple, a bus, a passenger suddenly collapsed. High-speed traffic police after receiving the relief driver, Urgent to passengers sent to hospital.

washed down on the bus anxious mother

yesterday morning, the high-speed traffic Xia Yasheng drive a police vehicle patrol in Ningbo beltway. 8:45 Xu, Zhejiang BF2600 a license plate number of the bus, suddenly in the patrol car in front of the emergency stop, Xia Yasheng immediately pull over.

bus driver hurried from the car, the car famous little girl coma, convulsions, parents extremely anxious, urgent hospital, for failing to open up the alarm call in vain.

Yuehua Jian, the anxious mother, holding the girl washed down from the car. I saw the girls face ashen, eyes wide open,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Store[/url], has been in a coma, convulsions. Mother tongue in order to keep the kids bite, he just put his finger into her mouth bar and let her bite.

Xia Yasheng immediately open the door, leaning on her daughter on the train set out on his father, including three girls, galloped to the hospital.

road,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]Monster Online[/url], Xia Yasheng while driving with the radio report to the command center. Recommendation in the command center, summer police officers chose the route bound for Minnesota hospitals, because only this line the fastest, and the road is not easy to jam.

mother in the back seat girl kept shouting:

child is guilty of this second disease

summer police officers while driving comfort the mother. Dialogue that, Jingyi This is the second occurrence of this situation was. Previous treatment in a timely manner because, over the hump. But I did not expect the second incidence is on the high-speed bus.

because of a sudden, the couple do not know how to do what,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], good-hearted people to help the car to call the police, someone call 110, someone call 120, because not tell the exact address, no contact has been good . It was also suggested to drive the truck driver to the hospital directly, but the car was supposed to go to Hangzhou, the driver Master Chen is also very difficult.

At this point, the car has been open to Ningbo high-speed around 69 km to the direction of Paul Temple at, when we are extremely anxious occasion, Master Chen found by Ginger North to the direction of Paul Temple, open patrol car. Master Chen treasured bus immediately by going to the police car and hit the hazard lights and stopped the car, then place the beginning of that scene.

decisive break open the toll lanes within the railings

at the moment, police are trying to open the summer of police. Soon to Ningbo Xi toll station. Is the fastest speed through the crowded toll booth, through lanes, summer police officers broke decisively within the pay channel railings. Although the car and railings are crashing, but Xia Yasheng has not so much.

out of the toll station, that is, urban roads, which means that there are numerous traffic lights and crowded traffic.

Xia Yasheng sounding the alarm, turn on headlights and dual flash, constantly changing lanes. Father with a child through megaphone, shouted to the vehicle in front, , also have to make a lane. Especially in the Airport Road to the intersection at Highway 34, there were passenger cars awaiting passage in case the red light, but the driver at a red light for the police to give way, so by the police first.

traffic police detachment to drive the front guide

when the car dealers to Yinzhou Avenue and Younger Avenue intersection, due to severe shock, a sudden failure of police sirens, lights are exterminate. Happens at this time, Ningbo detachment Guo Jun, deputy chief of detachment drove through here,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Boot[/url], also joined the rescue operation. Captains from the car in front of the guide Guo,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], Xia Yasheng drive followed, and soon to a Minnesota hospital.

Ningbo Xi from the highway exit to the Minnesota Hospital, nearly 15 km of urban roads, as many as nine traffic lights, but in the Captains and Xiaya Sheng Guo and his father with a child under ten only minutes, small Jingyi will be sent to the destination.

was subsequently understood that the 3-year-old girl is traveling with her parents from Xiangshan to Hangzhou. With the way the onset of coma and convulsions, parents explained that may be caused by a fever.

present, small Ningbo Jingyi women and children had been transferred to hospital for treatment. As of press time, the small Jingyi still in hospital receiving treatment in intensive care units.

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Xinhua Shenyang, January 22 (Reporter Fan Chunsheng), Liaoning Province, the case of two boys killed by a train recently in Dalian Railway Transport Court for sentencing. The court found that the train driver was driving on the line in the case did not take timely measures to stop the brake, in violation of traffic rules to measure improper tragedy, for the first trial sentenced to Shenyang Railway Bureau, 70% negative liability for the accident, Total compensation to the families of two boys more than 70 million.

2010 年 6 月 5 pm, Shenyang Railway Bureau belongs to a freight train bound from Dalian Jinzhou Port Arthur. At 1450 hours the day promised, this column leather freight train passing through town to Fort Yingchengzi a railway bridge between the station when the railway is running on two men, aged 9 years and 11-year-old boy killed.

After the incident, accident investigation team composed of relevant aspects, identified the two boys illegal access to the railway transport safety protection zone, is the direct cause of the accident from the dead and their guardians should bear the entire accident responsibility. Families of two boys do not accept this conclusion. The railway sector in a number of unsuccessful negotiations with the case, will report to the Shenyang Railway Bureau, Dalian Railway Transport Court, demanded compensation.

August and December last year, Dalian Railway Transport Court hearing the case twice. During the trial, the court also the scene for a site inspection, according to the inquest transcripts and field photos, combined with the Vice-class train driver's statements and monitoring records,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com]UGG Clearance Sale[/url], to the recognition of class drivers, about 200 meters away from the boys to see . The

court held that the train driver involved in the discovery of a child on the line when the first whistle warning, after reaching near the emergency brake when the measures, in violation of traffic rules to take inappropriate measures. Thus, the defendant did not comply fully with security, alerts and other obligations, should bear the primary responsibility. The Department of the deceased person without civil capacity, in the home there are other path to follow in the case, but the railway line running vertically, resulting in personal injury, and guardian of its own but also should bear some responsibility. To this end, identification of the original defendant's liability ratio of 3:7, Shenyang Railway Bureau decision two families of the deceased should be compensated a total of 70 million yuan, which contains the spirit of solatium.

summer train killed two boys at home River sub-Shenyang Railway Bureau sentencing first instance compensation for more than 70 million

7th of this month, concern the summer home of the freight train killed two river sub-railway bridge boy case verdicts. Dalian Railway Transport Court, after hearing the final confirmation, the train driver found driving line in case someone did not take timely measures to stop the brake, in violation of traffic rules, inappropriate measures, resulting in no capacity for civil conduct two boys knocked killed in the first instance verdict Shenyang Railway Bureau of negative 70% of the accident liability, the total compensation to the family two boys more than 70 million.

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2010 年 6 月 5 pm, Shenyang Railway Bureau, all of a freight train bound for Port Arthur from the Golden State direction. Day 14:50 Xu, leather car passing through the town of Fort Yingchengzi to a railway bridge between the station when the two boys are being killed on the railway. The deceased were only 9 years old and 11 years old.

After the incident, the railway police department and a coalition of safety supervision departments accident investigation team found two dead illegal access to the railway transport safety protection zone, is the direct cause of the accident occurred, according to relevant laws and regulations , two of the deceased and the guardian shall bear full responsibility for the accident.

2 of the deceased's family can not accept this, numerous experiences of finding the railway sector consultation, which failed after the Shenyang Railway Bureau to court. Two families were asked the court to compensate the Shenyang Railway Bureau, death compensation, solatium and other mental damage total of $ 41 million.

9 3, when the newspaper reported the case to trial version like.

Record of the trial whether the train driver mismanagement

Dalian Railway Transport Court accepted the case, on August 31,[url=http://www.buy-ugg.us/]UGG Boots Outlet[/url], 2010, December 29, twice hearing the case. Trial, the plaintiffs agent, Liao Ning Jinhua Sun Xuelian lawyer and the defense argued intense.

Sun Xuelian: the accident, the train drivers,[url=http://www.drdreheadphonesonline.org/]Monster Headphones[/url], there are two mistakes, first of all is a violation of traffic rules to. According to Vice-class train driver Zhao investigation record of the incident, he found about 200 meters in front of three people shadow, warning whistle immediately. In about 100 meters before the railway bridge, he confirmed that three people on the railway, only the emergency brake parking facilities, but it was too late. If the initial discovery in the shadows when the brake, the tragedy can be avoided. Zhao is not consistent with the railway sector

defendant: the railway sector does not exist so-called According to the train operation monitoring record before the incident, the train driver had a continuous warning whistle. The root cause of the accident is two dead illegal access to the railway transport safety protection.

Sun Xuelian: driver error is another train moving in the absence of reasonable expectations. Train That is, until little odd, and others from only 40 meters distance, the train began to brake. The combined section of the incident and the day's weather conditions, drivers in the 200 meters away you can see if anyone railway bridge.

defendant: the train was reverse traction, that is, cars in front,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]ugg outlet online[/url], the front in the post, together with the time line to the curve, thus affecting the driver's attention.

first trial Shenyang Railway Bureau assume responsibility for 70%

the case during the trial, Dalian Railway Transport Court of the scene conducted a field investigation, according to the records of inquests and on-site photos, The court ultimately determined the train driver at the scene about 200 meters before the bridge should be able to see the situation, combined with the Vice-class train driver's statements and monitoring records, to the recognition of class drivers, about 200 meters away from the children to see their children, and warning whistle immediately. The

Court held that the train drivers with children in that line, the first whistle warning, after reaching near the emergency brake when the measures, in violation of traffic rules to take inappropriate measures. Thus, the defendant did not comply fully with security, alerts and other obligations, should bear the primary responsibility.

2 of the deceased person without civil capacity, in the home, there are other roads wherever possible, but the railway line running vertically, resulting in personal injury, should be appropriate to reduce the defendant's liability. According to the victim's degree of fault, two parents of the deceased did not do to care obligations is a secondary reason cause of the accident, shall bear secondary responsibility. Eventually, the original court discretion, the defendant's liability ratio of 3:7.

7th of this month,[url=http://www.uggoutletmallonline.com/]UGG Outlet[/url], Dalian Railway Transport Court of first instance verdict on the case, ruling the Shenyang Railway Bureau, and the small compensation for small odd parents together to help more than 70 million yuan. Peninsula Morning News reporter Li Yi

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Jo 26-year -old , married . Jo couple Xiaojuan with colleagues and his girlfriend Sally shared a cell in the provincial capital . Evening of January 20 this year , Jo 's wife back home ,[url=http://www.bootsugg.us/]UGG Boots Clearance[/url], Jo alone at home , lonely days , they called Xiaojuan ,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearanceuks.co.uk/]UGG UK[/url], said to buy some food , invite her to dinner . Subsequently,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Sale[/url], they drink and chat , Jo unknowingly drank more than thirty-two liquor .

satiated , Jo returned to the room , feel my heart block fast enough , then quietly followed behind Xiaojuan into her bedroom and closing the door . At first, he did not hands and feet , but immersed to her Xiaojuan v. Zhongchang that psychological stress . Xiaojuan some good words of comfort after the goalkeeper Jo advised to open the door . See each other at the door does not go, Jo had to push her ​​to his room .

but after a while child , Jo again, lied to the Internet through the computer to play At this point, it is not prepared to take advantage of Jo , with transparent tape Xiaojuan hands and feet tied , and shut her mouth , the implementation of indecent behavior. Later, he also used a cell phone camera Xiaojuan nude , she was not allowed to report the threat , otherwise spread nude .

next morning , He also sent a message Xiaojuan , demanding cash 1,200 yuan, threatened to distribute nude photos if it does not meet the requirements . Xiaojuan straw Police. Later, she learned that Jo had long criminal record ,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/monster-beats-dr-dre-c-12.html]Monster Beats Dr Dre[/url], in 2002, it has been sentenced to imprisonment for intentional injury for 5 years.

Yellow River, the reporter Li Guozhen

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Metropolis Daily News ( Reporter Chen Xi Hu Jiusi trainee correspondent correspondent Fang Xia ) 4 o'clock yesterday morning , Wuhan Jiangxia Ansan Street, 107 national highway , more than 10 households had been an earthquake from the bed and bounced up . At first we thought that an earthquake , only to find out a look , a Henan membership a large truck crashed into the backyard of houses .

incident is located in 107 Hill section of National Highway and Beijing- Hong Kong and Macao Jiangxia An export high-speed road junction . According to the residents of Mr. Wu , the same day at 4 am, he and his wife ,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/monster-beats-solo-c-13.html]Monster Beats Solo[/url], daughter, at home sleeping . A sudden burst of strong vibration , the family bounced up from the bed . Of a sudden,[url=http://www.uggsbootsclearance4u.com/]UGG Sale[/url], they panic , and quickly ran outside from the second floor .

go out to look, around 10 households are also out, side of the road two 20 cm thick camphor trees were uprooted . It turned out that a truck down a 2 -meter-high scarp in crashed through a wall after wall , crashed into Mr. Wu backyard .

we quickly leaned truck , shouting loudly : Hearing this , Mr. Wu quickly dialed 110.

came before the traffic police , with the lights dim light , Mr. Wu and five residents clawed hand to the front a little bit and found the car they face covered in blood , then they pull out quickly . Then came the 120 injured to hospital .

10 o'clock yesterday morning , reporters at the scene learned that the collision also caused the walls of Wu family have a few cracks.

12 noon , two large cranes after about an hour 's work , the large trucks together to Due to high-voltage lines near the scene , operating more than 200 households in the vicinity during the short-term power outages .

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We containment thief.
thief knelt down to the crowd (Photo provided by the road, Ms.)

buses, especially in congested rush hours on the bus, some thief's favorite places to patronize. In the crowded bus, a thief can get away with his hand into someone else's pocket. Who then also be ready to get off and disappeared in the crowd.

However, at 14, 363 road in the bus, a thief stole the wallet, but the passengers did not succeed. First, the owner immediately after the police found stolen, then the bus driver closed so Police, and finally this thief ready to turn the windows to escape, they encountered people of the whole car stiffer. Eventually, people in the whole car cheers,

buses are a thief, quick alarm!

12 14 evening around 6:20, a 363 bus, as usual, carrying a car full of passengers traveling on the road. Suddenly, the bus a lady exclaimed,

women cry over, the whole car flew nervous people, some people are busy to see your wallet phones and other valuables, and some people began to curse and hit the thief, and some people are concerned about asking The lady, when found himself stolen?

ask the passenger in the stolen purse, Ms. very sure that must have just been stolen, who stole the purse in the car! All cars were another uproar.

At this point, it was proposed that this matter quickly to the police encounter. Miss one, immediately come up with cell phone,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Online[/url], dialed 110.

driver to stop off the door, wait for the police

complete police report,[url=http://www.beatsbydresale.org/]beats tour[/url], the President looked around four weeks. Found a Ms. mobile phone was stolen last time, is this

Ms. staring p> p>

police has not come yet, the thief could not stand it

waiting in the bus is a long time, minute by minute the past, been a passenger with each other during the look to my heart constantly thinking, Some passengers began calling their families, said the car encountered a thief, do not know when to go home. Some passengers cursed altogether, this thief really nasty, wasted the entire vehicle's time, caught some severe punishment. Passengers are also advised Road, who took took them out, just out, let's not hard for him ... ...

voice in the noisy, people become more irritable mood up. However, no one noticed, the man who was questioned Ms. began slowly to the nearest window, little by little move in the past.

Suddenly, the man had pushed the window suddenly opened the window, the predecessor of exploration out, ready to Fanchuang escape ... ...

Fanchuang escape, was caught red-handed people

sharp-eyed passengers to see, and immediately shouted:

several passengers hurried over to help, trying to drag up the thief. Can be constantly struggling thief, in the twist, the Seeing is necessary to escape. This time,[url=http://www.moncleruksales.co.uk/moncler-men-vest-c-8.html]Moncler Men Vest[/url], the master is very decisive driver opened the door and shouted: out of the car, along with the driver, at the window, the thief blocked. After the thief was caught, people are cheering the whole car out.

thieves see not run, but to kneel on the ground begging for mercy, and took out the wallet stolen, I hope people do not take him over to police.

Tingduo this line thief, everyone be careful

face begging thief, passengers who do not agree. Evening around 6:30, bus to return to their own track, carrying passengers heading for the terminal.

later, 363 bus drivers who master the king, told reporters in an interview,[url=http://www.hot-jackets.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url], because a long line of 363 road vehicles,[url=http://www.uggsbootsclearance4u.com/]UGG Sale[/url], passengers and more, so the thief, or with a lot of, he encountered several times, and many times catch the thief in action.

time, or to the prevention, look after their own package, do not put valuables pocket on outer clothing. encounter the situation, be sure to call the police. / p> Related articles:

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(Reporter Zhang Zhang) in order to find money online, 3 men sneaked into the Jiangbei district high school Liang Villa For theft, only to be working overtime for a decoration company on behalf of a female designer clashed. Three men trying to shift the generation of a bundle with tape, after the company moved three LCD computer monitors. Yesterday, reporters from the Jiangbei police that three men have been XingJu crime.

female designers to work overtime in case Maozei

25-year-old is Jiangbei a decoration on behalf of a company's designers, corporate offices located in the vicinity of a reading beam of a high-end residential villa. At 2:30 on October 13th or so, on behalf of a person alone in the company increases after classes finished, ready to go away when closing a window, found the window tummy even a man on the fence, Before she could react, the man leaps from the window, rushed to jump in, the generation of a pinned to the ground.

to her clothes. Then, turning from the window into the office and two men, on the behalf of a $ 100 bag and found and removed cash and mobile phones.

tape was tied closed mouth 6 hours

At this point, one of the men took out a roll of black tape, the generation of a hands tied down, and with tape over her eyes and mouth. Subsequently, the three men from the 4th floor villa search to a floor, but after a while rummaging through, but there is no harvest.

Seeing can not find the money,[url=http://www.moncler-online.de/]Moncler Online[/url], did not dare to stay too long, 3 men had one person while carrying an LCD computer monitor, quickly pulls out the window. Before I left, three men re-sealed with tape on behalf of a mouth,[url=http://www.ugg-onlineoutlet.com/]UGG Boots[/url], to be tied to the computer chair.

8 am the day before, to the company on behalf of a colleague at work, was tied a six-hour tape, she was finally saved. Jiangbei on behalf of a police to police assistance immediately.

fence man was arrested on the spot

Alarm, Jiangbei District Public Security Bureau of Interpol detachment investigate immediately. After Mo Pai investigation, the police quickly get an important clue: guanyinqiao a digital city,[url=http://www.moncler-online.de/]Moncler Jacken[/url], it was selling in the low-cost computer monitors. 9 am that day, plainclothes police rushed to the digital city, pretending to buy a monitor, display and sell Hemou contact. 10 o'clock, Hemou sneaking in the digital city roadway, plainclothes police immediately stepped forward to be captured.

Hemou and on behalf of a bundled display away confessed. Hemou account,[url=http://www.uggclearanceuks.com/]UGG UK[/url], he and two other associates of a blue, a simple understanding by playing online games. Day morning, three people near a cafe in guanyinqiao run out of money within the Internet, similar to reading on Liang Villa For theft, but just did not expect to be on behalf of a discovery, and had to be prepared tape tied. Subsequently, the 3 will display hidden in the bushes near Hung Yan Temple, he is responsible for link fence.

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Hemou also confessed, of which some have relatives in Xiushan blue, he is likely to go into hiding with relatives. According Hemou provide clues, the police immediately on a blue, Kan, for pursuit. October 15, after police arrived Xiushan, relatives said a blue, blue, and a simple one really came Xiushan, but then said he left to go to work in Guangzhou. After investigation, police found the only day on October 15 trip to Chongqing to Guangzhou K191 Xiushan train to stop,[url=http://www.uggsbootsclearance4u.com/]UGG Sale[/url], immediately contact the police in Chengdu Railway Police Department to solve the case. 16 am, is sleeping on the train and a blue Kan was arrested.

investigation, three people because of certain blue Internet addiction, nor a regular job, in the past year, worked in Jiangbei, Yubei and other places several times to sneak into the implementation of high-end residential theft, has verified the more than a dozen gang crime. It is understood that such a blue XingJu 3, the case is under further investigation.

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