
UGG Boots Clearance1 downloadthree20 code

1 downloadthree20 code ,to extract a fixed position .Can also be passed to git clone a .2 on the right side navigation interface your project on the right - > ;Add Files to ... , do not select the Copy items .
.. , select the three20 directory under the Src / Three20 / Three20.xcodeproj .The 3 method with second step ,and add * Three20Core / Three20Core.xcodeproj * Three20Network / Three20Network.
xcodeproj * Three20Style / Three20Style.xcodeproj * Three20UICommon / Three20UICommon.xcodeproj * Three20UINavigator / Three20UINavigator.xcodeproj * Three20UI / Three20UI.xcodeproj 4 to add a static library .
Select your project ,Moncler Jackets,the TARGETS select their own TARGET ,select Build Phases Link Binery With label ,Libraries ,point libThree20.a plus ,all add to the above project static library files ( 7.
A files ,click on the Add button to add ) .5 add compiler dependent ,so that each compiler will be compiled at the same time the Three20 library .Select your project ,the TARGETS select their own TARGET ,select the Build Phases label ,Target Dependencies ,points plus ,Moncler Outlet,select all the related Three20 Library of Target ( 7 ) ,don choose a UnitTest ,click on the Add button to add .
6 add the Three20.bundle file .On the right side navigation interface your project on the right - > ;Add Files to ... , select the three20 directory under the Src / Three20.bundle file ,also do not select the Copy items .
.. .7 add Core Animation framework. Select your project ,the TARGETS select their own TARGET ,select Build Phases Link Binery With label ,Libraries ,point plus ,select QuartzCore.framework ,click on the Add button to add .
8 add the header file search path .Select your project ,the TARGETS select their own TARGET ,select the Builde Settings tag .In the search bar to enter header search path ,and then double-click the search result in Header Search Path ,a pop-up will add the search path of the window ,click on the plus sign ,put your Three20 directory under the Build / Products / three20 path is added ,where you can add an absolute path ,or a relative to your project relative path .
9 add link options .Select your project ,the TARGETS select their own TARGET ,select the Builde Settings tag .In the search bar to enter Other Linker Flags ,Discount Coach,and then double-click the search result in Other Linker Flags ,Coach Bag,a pop-up will add Linker flag window ,click on the plus sign ,UGG Boots Clearance,input - ObjC ,click on the Add button ,and then point plus ,input - all_load ,click on the Add button .
10 you can now works in your Three20 application library .In need of the file contains # import Three20 / Three20.h .The three20 root directory is a README.mdwon document ,but he said adding method is based on the XCode3 ,the basic steps according to his the instructions ,with 4 different do a certain description .
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