
Louboutin SaleActions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words .Some years ago I admired and set an example by personally taking part claims, though not with a vested interest and eye myopia debate clearly ,but in a short period of time more than a year ,has become a large domestic private banks .
In March 21st, before leaving the traffic bank personal financial business of private banking center after a year and a half, Terry Chui a words rather intense . ,make in recent years on private silver chaos once again become the focus of .
Outside even be called recently to open letter of resignation of ways to expose seek nothing but profits inferior row former executive director Greg Smith .The former private banking practitioners to denounce the current private banks that type sale ,and plunder type develops .
Terry Chui claimed ,this approach on Huyou top decision makers ,the decision-making layer of market excessive blind optimism ;on hard pressure index ,led to the voices of discontent. ,customer complaints ;but the intermediate sacrifice the bank private bank brand ,&lsquo ;all &rsquo ;the customer ,increase sales ,then the red man red roof .
The above problems ,more present in the retail mode of the private banking business .In March 22nd, a private bank senior who told reporters frankly ,in former years private bank in Happy Valley enclosure stage ,this is a common problem in industry .
Say objectively ,now has very big change .The sources told reporters ,from 2007 the private bankfirst entered China, Chinese private banking service mode to products ;but from the beginning of 2009 ,private banking business transformation has entered the major commercial banks schedule .
Prior to this ,China CITIC Bank private banking center with Central University of Finance and Economics China banking research center jointly issued the China private banking customer characteristics and future development trends research report ( hereinafter referred to as report ) pointed out ,through more than four years of development, Chinese private bank service mode from products ,again the transition to the comprehensive wealth management solutions ,even planning to discretionary asset management services .
But China private banking business of the three segment of the business transformation across the shoulder heavy responsibilities .Private banking vase questioning a bank if you truly want to the development of private banking business success ,and treated her as a golden business the Chongzhongzhi is heavy ,must be made by the top decision makers in the head office level establish private bank independent status ,but not in the retail gold of &lsquo ;vase ,with &rsquo ;with the development of matching the target person ,money ,material resources .
Terry Chui come to the point at the current Chinese private banking business model short board .In fact ,Chinese private bank from 2007startdate, its operating mode can be divided into business unit and branch mode .
After five years of practice ,although each has its own merits. But were tangled ,haunted by commercial bank ,Minsheng Bank ,China bank private banking sector and even once in the two mode to swing between .
Career ministry is made ,the private banking sector to take independent accounting ,the vertical management model ,private banking department and branch ,private bank customer manager with retail operations manager ,often battling customer resources and profit pattern, and without approval of the branch and full cooperation ,division of private banks to exert the advantage of network .
Because of the division of this malpractice, in recent years ,the Chinese-funded bank private bank overall trend already tend to retail ,Coach Factory Outlet,in this mode ,both the number of customers or the size of assets under management ,Chinese banks have gained rapid promotion .
However ,large retail mode, private banks owned retail sector ,in reality often appeared Terry Chui phenomenon: namely the customer even lower levels of customers to buy a good product ,sell products make only superficial changes to the private banking sector, also called support the private banking business ;in a year following extensive advertising ,finance ,private banking is not a penny to advertising .
Thus ,in the number of clients and the size of assets under management of exponentially growing behind ,private banking business costs are quite heavy, even not vase ,Terry Chui had a large number of media interviews ,he proposed the solution is ,in the private banking system and branch ,branch of the retail sector with the use of gold ,1+1+Nand a performance of two calculation models ,private banking and retail gold 1+1will be greater than 2 .
Construction Bank as an example ,the retail mode an asset size two hundred million customers ,accounts located in branch outlets, but customer relationship management and service in the private bank .
However ,Monster Headphones,this is only the initial stage of the transition period .By the end of 2011 ,China Construction Bank vice governor Zhu Huang accepts newspaper reporter when the interview said ,the initial stage ,( Private Banking ) and take complete career ministry is made impossible ,because without this ability .
The function is progressively and perfect ,will need to gradually independent accounting ,independent accounting ,management . The last private banking operation ,ugg outlet online,is on the general network inside the customer support behind ;now requires its transformation into a private banking customers ,future private banking sector have to scratch your customers ,to operate their own .
Zhu Huang explained .To be built more than 3000000 assetsize customer unified into wealth management and private banking ,this client group in 150000,the size of assets under management of approximately in about 700000000000; wherein the personal financial assets had reached more than 5000000 yuan of individual customers ,and assets of more than 6000000 yuan of potential customers ,designated as the private bank target customers ,the customer base for the 12000 ,the size of assets under management in 300000000000 yuan .
Into the second half of 2011, China Banking Regulatory Commission is expected to the recent re-release private banking licence message to encourage commercial banks ,including bank and other commercial banks are said to be to apply for a license, the logic behind implies the private banking business of independence vase .
Assessment of heavy March 22nd sighted ,reporter from the joint-stock banks get a private banking business for three years planning vision display ,the next three years ,Louboutin Sale,the bank intends to private banking standards customer number compound annual growth rate increased to 78% ,three years after the customer number will by current 8000overthree to four times to 30000;and the management of financial assets of the average annual compound growth rate of the target is set to 72% ,from the current 100000000000 yuanto 375000000000 yuan tospan type develops .
In the number of clients and the size of assets under management in three years three times spanning the great leap forward behind, the joint-stock banks have also pulled open large-scale raise or enlarge an army : it intends to introduce private bank core team for more than 1000 people ,at present the team less than 300 people, wealth advisers number less than 150 people ,and the wealth advisers number in 2014 512.
Market share to 5% ,China Merchants Bank in the domestic stock line beyond won the first .The bank insiders told reporters ,in a bid to be the first behind the market ,customer manager individual indicators also by adding ,after three years of not only to achieve the cost income ratio decreased year by year ,to achieve 35% ,average per capita management standard customer number ,average per capita management scale of financial assets is increasing year by year ,to respectively reached 28 ,350000000 yuan / person/ people ;the two indexes were 21 householdsand 260000000 yuan / person/ people .
Under the background of such assessment ,private banks over the marketing phenomenon it is often seen .Terry Chui in his open letter, directed at the private bank sighted examining pressure with drawbacks -- a kind of private banking customers as big finance ,VIP customer buy one hundred thousand ,private banking customers on the same product to buy one million of the predatory development ,not only can to private banking customers to purchase ,but only the goose the more customers to do less .
Xu Haoxin thinks ,sold to private banking clients products ,not only selling ,often marketing is not enough ,need is a good management of customer relationship .Only do a good job in customer relationship management ,private banking customers really feel you are think for him as he is urgent ,will trust you ,will buy your product .
This approach rather than on the private bank ignorance ,Monster Crossfade,be inferior to saying is to finish index ,rise in the official world and have an ulterior motive .Terry Chui eventually put the critical goals against his old club, Bank of communications, and even the traffic bank also noticed the problem that &rsquo ,&lsquo ;;transfer of head office gold business leadership position .
Previously issued financial product sales management approach has provided for the sales staff is not the single product sales as the assessing index ,a private bank sources told reporters ,most private banks has been generally accepted by the customer number, asset management and management accounting ( AUM ) gross profit as the assessment standard .
According to the reporter ,in the customer manager to assess index, generally have a quantitative and qualitative aspects of design index two ,wherein ,the quantitative design mainly includes the customer number and the size of assets under management ,some banks also incorporated into profit ,in qualitative index design, mainly to customer satisfaction rating etc.
.The company set three years of planning, a clear reference to private banks net interest income average annual compound growth rate to three years to reach 138% ,responsibility for an average annual compound growth rate of 127% ;at the same time ,asks the customer satisfaction improved significantly ,decrease the rate of customer loss .
Transition not road Terry Chui is telling a few years ago ,now has not so serious .The private bank sources .In order to CITIC Bank as an example ,its private bank account manager ,has been canceled saving index assessment ,despite the general headquarters for the private banking sector as a whole may have on deposit appraisal index sets, but can such assessment into account manager personal savings financial portfolio ,is a by-product ,is not a direct product .
However ,the last two years of negative interest rates ,financial disintermediation growing trend ,stock bank deposit than examination stress increase ,debt marketing become 2011 bankspriority, master a number of high-quality customer resources private banks must improve its deposit on the contribution degree .
Retail customers of commercial banks and private banking customers is very different ,even if the personal assets of 500000 - 8000000retail customers,financial assets, savings ratio is very high ,but the private banking clients savings assets ratio is much lower ,generally into about three .
The CITIC Bank sources told reporters .Under pressure ,the private bank examination mechanism sighted tendency is obvious ,many interviews private bankers admitted ,sales oriented or excessive sales phenomenon ,as well as to the product rebate decision manager salary situation does exist .
Banks are attached to the private banking business ,but long-term mechanism was not established ,as the private bankers said, was to sell herbal prescription ,it is more than .A few years ago in general is not disease ,not look smell cut asked ,blind selling medicine .
The report also pointed out that ,after more than four years of development ,Chinese private bank service mode from products ,and then transition to comprehensive wealth management solutions even planning discretionary asset management services .
On the whole, major Chinese bank private bank already from the first phase of the products to the second phase of selling transition ,China CITIC Bank is called dynamic wealth management ,China Merchants Bank is called four step spiral promotion law ,but in fact very much the same ,competition is the investment adviser team ,manager and assistant personnel professional level .
The so-called second phase transition ,which currently includes Minsheng Bank raised ,from the initial although the money ,to provide customers with comprehensive balance service ,both in wealth management ,and credit financing ;from the combination of the proposal stage ,to the discretionary management transformation .
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