
Cheap Oakley sunglasses ShopSo apparently EB Games sold out of their collectors edition in December

So apparently EB Games sold out of their collectors edition in December. December! At that time, I hadn't even beat the first game yet (yeah, I know,Cheap Oakley sunglasses Shop, shame on me,Louboutin Sale, but still). I guess I don't need to get ME3 right away -- I'm only about 10 hours into ME2 -- I'm just really worried about spoilers. =/

Also,UGG Boots UK, my favourite moment from ME1 would have to be the the entire final mission. Ancient ruins -- especially those of fictional cultures -- have always been fascinating for me. It's one of the reasons I love Castle in the Sky so much. So wandering around Illos was amazing. And the music,Moncler Scaft, and the info-dump of the Protheans... Man,Nike Running Shoes Women, so good.
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Actions speak louder than words .Some years ago I admired and set an example by personally taking part claims, though not with a vested interest and eye myopia debate clearly ,but in a short period of time more than a year ,has become a large domestic private banks .
In March 21st, before leaving the traffic bank personal financial business of private banking center after a year and a half, Terry Chui a words rather intense . ,make in recent years on private silver chaos once again become the focus of .
Outside even be called recently to open letter of resignation of ways to expose seek nothing but profits inferior row former executive director Greg Smith .The former private banking practitioners to denounce the current private banks that type sale ,and plunder type develops .
Terry Chui claimed ,this approach on Huyou top decision makers ,the decision-making layer of market excessive blind optimism ;on hard pressure index ,led to the voices of discontent. ,customer complaints ;but the intermediate sacrifice the bank private bank brand ,&lsquo ;all &rsquo ;the customer ,increase sales ,then the red man red roof .
The above problems ,more present in the retail mode of the private banking business .In March 22nd, a private bank senior who told reporters frankly ,in former years private bank in Happy Valley enclosure stage ,this is a common problem in industry .
Say objectively ,now has very big change .The sources told reporters ,from 2007 the private bankfirst entered China, Chinese private banking service mode to products ;but from the beginning of 2009 ,private banking business transformation has entered the major commercial banks schedule .
Prior to this ,China CITIC Bank private banking center with Central University of Finance and Economics China banking research center jointly issued the China private banking customer characteristics and future development trends research report ( hereinafter referred to as report ) pointed out ,through more than four years of development, Chinese private bank service mode from products ,again the transition to the comprehensive wealth management solutions ,even planning to discretionary asset management services .
But China private banking business of the three segment of the business transformation across the shoulder heavy responsibilities .Private banking vase questioning a bank if you truly want to the development of private banking business success ,and treated her as a golden business the Chongzhongzhi is heavy ,must be made by the top decision makers in the head office level establish private bank independent status ,but not in the retail gold of &lsquo ;vase ,with &rsquo ;with the development of matching the target person ,money ,material resources .
Terry Chui come to the point at the current Chinese private banking business model short board .In fact ,Chinese private bank from 2007startdate, its operating mode can be divided into business unit and branch mode .
After five years of practice ,although each has its own merits. But were tangled ,haunted by commercial bank ,Minsheng Bank ,China bank private banking sector and even once in the two mode to swing between .
Career ministry is made ,the private banking sector to take independent accounting ,the vertical management model ,private banking department and branch ,private bank customer manager with retail operations manager ,often battling customer resources and profit pattern, and without approval of the branch and full cooperation ,division of private banks to exert the advantage of network .
Because of the division of this malpractice, in recent years ,the Chinese-funded bank private bank overall trend already tend to retail ,Coach Factory Outlet,in this mode ,both the number of customers or the size of assets under management ,Chinese banks have gained rapid promotion .
However ,large retail mode, private banks owned retail sector ,in reality often appeared Terry Chui phenomenon: namely the customer even lower levels of customers to buy a good product ,sell products make only superficial changes to the private banking sector, also called support the private banking business ;in a year following extensive advertising ,finance ,private banking is not a penny to advertising .
Thus ,in the number of clients and the size of assets under management of exponentially growing behind ,private banking business costs are quite heavy, even not vase ,Terry Chui had a large number of media interviews ,he proposed the solution is ,in the private banking system and branch ,branch of the retail sector with the use of gold ,1+1+Nand a performance of two calculation models ,private banking and retail gold 1+1will be greater than 2 .
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However ,Monster Headphones,this is only the initial stage of the transition period .By the end of 2011 ,China Construction Bank vice governor Zhu Huang accepts newspaper reporter when the interview said ,the initial stage ,( Private Banking ) and take complete career ministry is made impossible ,because without this ability .
The function is progressively and perfect ,will need to gradually independent accounting ,independent accounting ,management . The last private banking operation ,ugg outlet online,is on the general network inside the customer support behind ;now requires its transformation into a private banking customers ,future private banking sector have to scratch your customers ,to operate their own .
Zhu Huang explained .To be built more than 3000000 assetsize customer unified into wealth management and private banking ,this client group in 150000,the size of assets under management of approximately in about 700000000000; wherein the personal financial assets had reached more than 5000000 yuan of individual customers ,and assets of more than 6000000 yuan of potential customers ,designated as the private bank target customers ,the customer base for the 12000 ,the size of assets under management in 300000000000 yuan .
Into the second half of 2011, China Banking Regulatory Commission is expected to the recent re-release private banking licence message to encourage commercial banks ,including bank and other commercial banks are said to be to apply for a license, the logic behind implies the private banking business of independence vase .
Assessment of heavy March 22nd sighted ,reporter from the joint-stock banks get a private banking business for three years planning vision display ,the next three years ,Louboutin Sale,the bank intends to private banking standards customer number compound annual growth rate increased to 78% ,three years after the customer number will by current 8000overthree to four times to 30000;and the management of financial assets of the average annual compound growth rate of the target is set to 72% ,from the current 100000000000 yuanto 375000000000 yuan tospan type develops .
In the number of clients and the size of assets under management in three years three times spanning the great leap forward behind, the joint-stock banks have also pulled open large-scale raise or enlarge an army : it intends to introduce private bank core team for more than 1000 people ,at present the team less than 300 people, wealth advisers number less than 150 people ,and the wealth advisers number in 2014 512.
Market share to 5% ,China Merchants Bank in the domestic stock line beyond won the first .The bank insiders told reporters ,in a bid to be the first behind the market ,customer manager individual indicators also by adding ,after three years of not only to achieve the cost income ratio decreased year by year ,to achieve 35% ,average per capita management standard customer number ,average per capita management scale of financial assets is increasing year by year ,to respectively reached 28 ,350000000 yuan / person/ people ;the two indexes were 21 householdsand 260000000 yuan / person/ people .
Under the background of such assessment ,private banks over the marketing phenomenon it is often seen .Terry Chui in his open letter, directed at the private bank sighted examining pressure with drawbacks -- a kind of private banking customers as big finance ,VIP customer buy one hundred thousand ,private banking customers on the same product to buy one million of the predatory development ,not only can to private banking customers to purchase ,but only the goose the more customers to do less .
Xu Haoxin thinks ,sold to private banking clients products ,not only selling ,often marketing is not enough ,need is a good management of customer relationship .Only do a good job in customer relationship management ,private banking customers really feel you are think for him as he is urgent ,will trust you ,will buy your product .
This approach rather than on the private bank ignorance ,Monster Crossfade,be inferior to saying is to finish index ,rise in the official world and have an ulterior motive .Terry Chui eventually put the critical goals against his old club, Bank of communications, and even the traffic bank also noticed the problem that &rsquo ,&lsquo ;;transfer of head office gold business leadership position .
Previously issued financial product sales management approach has provided for the sales staff is not the single product sales as the assessing index ,a private bank sources told reporters ,most private banks has been generally accepted by the customer number, asset management and management accounting ( AUM ) gross profit as the assessment standard .
According to the reporter ,in the customer manager to assess index, generally have a quantitative and qualitative aspects of design index two ,wherein ,the quantitative design mainly includes the customer number and the size of assets under management ,some banks also incorporated into profit ,in qualitative index design, mainly to customer satisfaction rating etc.
.The company set three years of planning, a clear reference to private banks net interest income average annual compound growth rate to three years to reach 138% ,responsibility for an average annual compound growth rate of 127% ;at the same time ,asks the customer satisfaction improved significantly ,decrease the rate of customer loss .
Transition not road Terry Chui is telling a few years ago ,now has not so serious .The private bank sources .In order to CITIC Bank as an example ,its private bank account manager ,has been canceled saving index assessment ,despite the general headquarters for the private banking sector as a whole may have on deposit appraisal index sets, but can such assessment into account manager personal savings financial portfolio ,is a by-product ,is not a direct product .
However ,the last two years of negative interest rates ,financial disintermediation growing trend ,stock bank deposit than examination stress increase ,debt marketing become 2011 bankspriority, master a number of high-quality customer resources private banks must improve its deposit on the contribution degree .
Retail customers of commercial banks and private banking customers is very different ,even if the personal assets of 500000 - 8000000retail customers,financial assets, savings ratio is very high ,but the private banking clients savings assets ratio is much lower ,generally into about three .
The CITIC Bank sources told reporters .Under pressure ,the private bank examination mechanism sighted tendency is obvious ,many interviews private bankers admitted ,sales oriented or excessive sales phenomenon ,as well as to the product rebate decision manager salary situation does exist .
Banks are attached to the private banking business ,but long-term mechanism was not established ,as the private bankers said, was to sell herbal prescription ,it is more than .A few years ago in general is not disease ,not look smell cut asked ,blind selling medicine .
The report also pointed out that ,after more than four years of development ,Chinese private bank service mode from products ,and then transition to comprehensive wealth management solutions even planning discretionary asset management services .
On the whole, major Chinese bank private bank already from the first phase of the products to the second phase of selling transition ,China CITIC Bank is called dynamic wealth management ,China Merchants Bank is called four step spiral promotion law ,but in fact very much the same ,competition is the investment adviser team ,manager and assistant personnel professional level .
The so-called second phase transition ,which currently includes Minsheng Bank raised ,from the initial although the money ,to provide customers with comprehensive balance service ,both in wealth management ,and credit financing ;from the combination of the proposal stage ,to the discretionary management transformation .
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在第二首作品中,DEP将这新的抽筋式的曲风更加的发扬光大,主唱的声音可以说是搞怪十足,听起来就象PRIMUS的硬核版,Nike Running Shoes Men,后半段男低音大合唱更是让人忍俊不禁,UGG Clearance。DEP的这张EP的作品实在是太有趣,以NOISE CORE为内核,将MR BUNGLE的搞怪发扬光大,一定要自己听过了才能体味其中的滋味。

而且,这张EP也为后来的大热作品MISS MACHINE打下了坚实的根基。

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It appeared to you that Romano had decided to stay at home during the first classes. It wouldn’t surprise you one bit. He tended to over-sleep and be late. No wonder the teachers were taking a special dislike in him. Inwardly you rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour. But you loved that lad anyways. The weekend’s episodes still played in your mind. You had had a very… different weekend, but definitely a good one. After sharing a passionate with Lovino, the two of you spent the rest of the day cuddling on his bed. Once in a while he would whisper sweet things to you in Italian, sometimes he would do the gesture to tell you what he said, which would make you blush madly like a small school-girl. You wouldn’t even give it a thought when the Spaniard would enter the room make remarks how cute you looked. You simply ignored it. You had wanted to be with him for so long.

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“How’s the weekend?” he asked, throwing an arm over your shoulder. You blushed from his question. You hardly knew if you and Romano were a couple now or what you actually were. Could you just say that you got together? No, you couldn’t. That would be offensive if Romano found out and didn’t see it that way.

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“I know what you need” he whispered into your ear. His hot breath tickled the hollow behind your ear as he spoke, sending a tickling feeling through your body.

“Which will happen to be…?”

“A man” you almost stiffened by his words. “A man who handle your wild nature in the bed, someone who can make love to you like no one else, someone who—“

“Will never happen to be you” you snapped and brushed him off. What the hell was that all of a sudden? Earlier in the morning Alfred had complimented your eyes and fancy clothes as well. Just what the hell was going on? It felt like almost all the guys knew of your and Romano’s love-affair and suddenly all the guys were making moves on you. It was annoying the hell out of you for some reason. Sure, you had liked Alfred at some point, but it would never involve love and same was with Gilbert. No,Coach Store, your heart beat for a certain Italian, like it had for almost two years now.

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“Get off asshole!” you spat out, wriggling to get free from his hold. Before the white haired guy managed to bring out another word you felt a hand grip your upper arm tightly and yank you to them. Strong and protective arms looped around your waist and brought you close.

“Get your filthy hands off [Name] bastardo” it didn’t take your brain long to register who the voice belonged to. The thick Italian accent lingered in his voice. Romano. Glaring heatedly at the white haired classmate, he sure took the hint and disappeared around the next corner towards his class. You sighed in relief, relaxing in his embrace.

Mi dispiace [Name]” he muttered to you, turning you around in his arms so you faced him. A small smile graced your lips. Your arms tangled around his middle, hugging him.

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“I allow no one to touch you” he told you before his lips pressed against yours. Rough and yet so soft, you let yourself melt in his arms. Your heart fluttered and stomach made back-flips from the contact of your lips.

>I love you too much to let go


[1] Ti amo… vuoi essere la mia ragazza = I love you… would you like to be my girlfriend?

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The xx是一支来自于英国伦敦西南的乐队,成立于2005年。四位创始成员在Elliott学院相遇,这所学院因培养了包括Hot Chip, Burial和Four Tet等校友而著称。
2009年11月11日,键盘手Baria Qureshi在错过了几场预定的演出后确定离队,声称已疲惫不堪。她将不会被替代,The xx将继续作为三人乐队继续维持下去。
出版首张专辑唱片前,就有国际各种音乐媒体大肆渲染,夹道欢呼,这样开始音乐生涯,再幸运不过了――英国的媒体宠儿The xx就可以证明,Monster Crossfade。乐队四个成员,Romy Madley Croft, Baria Qureshi, Oliver Sim 和Jamie Smith都还没满二十岁。The xx乐队的首张专辑唱片,Vibram 5 Fingers Sale,xx,既有难得的成熟,又具有年青乐队特有那份青涩的妖冶,使人印象深刻。尽管the xx的音乐不是前无古人,不过唱片里流露出超越年龄的智慧,吟唱恋爱时辗转难眠的苦涩味道,是近期罕见的佳作。

  现在有一些新乐队,不是喜欢各种各样的特效叠起来一块儿玩,就是倡导极简主义。The XX就是后者。同样属于在今年内被英国媒体力捧的新军,The XX却低调、简约、神秘得像他们的这个乐队名称。处女作《The XX》开场当中那鼓机创造而出的振奋人心的气场,几乎让人以为他们又是一队仗着初生牛犊那种不怕虎的猛劲而力闯乐坛的小愤青,然而事实情况却是那种简致的电子节拍和鼓机的共同作用,合奏出独属于The XX的低保真风格音乐,同时,良好的音乐素养是组成The XX的四个年轻人身上的品质,这种人格魅力决定了他们专辑的品质。人声相对而言较弱的他们,据悉可能会针对电子乐器材和鼓机,而创作一张纯器乐专辑。
  XX里的音乐,更象是实验室,而不是车库的产物。精致考量的平衡,饱满的氛围,歌曲断续的节奏,阴沉、疏懒的吉他,营造出一种安详、淡淡的情绪,静静地渗透、萦绕着你,而不是象多数歌曲那样直入耳膜。乐队没有直接照搬已经成名的乐队Radiohead 或 Interpol的套路,尽管还是会有人会拿来做比较。其实,The xx的音乐养分来源比人们推想的更广泛、更折衷,从后朋的Young Marble Giants(经常会被拿来比较),到现今的R&B,Coach Outlet Online,及这两极中间的音乐。这些音乐元素在xx专辑里熟练地编织、裁合,把唱片当作一个整体来听,这种感觉会更加明显。请把音量尽量调大,或者戴耳机仔细倾听,草率而浮光掠影式的倾听,会遗漏掉那些细微的,唱片真正出彩之处。
  挑刺的人会说the xx的歌词没有脱离年青人那些情感关系和性的陈词滥调。这基本上没错,不过他们年纪轻轻,能从相对有限的经历里,传达出这些有感染力的情感,已实属不易,UGG Boots Sale。“You applyin’ pressure to help me crystallize/And you’ve got the faith that I could bring paradise”,这是唱片第三首歌的开头,在乐队简约、贝斯主导行进的音乐氛围里,探究两性关系里的无常和忧虑。类似Crystallized这样的歌曲,充斥着纠结和焦虑,诗性盎然,也是乐队出众的地方。
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Coach Outlet OnlineWhat's on your mind

What's on your mind?

1. When was the last time you dated?

a. Never been.

(b.) Uhm it was so long ago that I've already forgotten about it. (ever since I joined FT actually...)
c. Just yesterday

2. Have you ever heard the wonderful three words from your (ex) lover?

(a.) Yes.

b. No.
c. What three words?

Get Your Quiz Result

Lucy Hearfillia is shock and FB says it's accurate - / / / -

Lucy Heartfillia took Lover-Mometer quiz and the result is: Laxus Dreyar.

To play this application, please go to app(dot)facebook(dot)com(slash)Lover-Mometer

Just now �� Comment �� Like �� Take the Lover-Mometer

You, Mavis Vermillion and Makarov Dreyar like this.

Happy-chan Lucy likes Laxus! :D

8:26 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia shut up neko! - / / / -

8:27 am �� Comment �� Like

MiraJane Strauss aww ;) unexpected but not impossible right?

8:28 am �� Comment �� Like

Levy McGarden Lu-chan you sinful woman,Beats Headphones, you,Coach Outlet Online! *squeal* haha

8:29 am �� Comment �� You like this.

Juvia Loxar anyone but Gray-sama can be Lucy-san's lover, Juvia fully supports this relationship.

8:30 am �� Comment �� Like

Erza Scarlet *nods* even though it's unexpected still if you love Laxus you have mine and the whole guild's support, Lucy. Laxus Dreyar make sure you take good care of Lucy or else I'll kill you.

8:30 am �� Comment �� Like �� Tag Friends

Lucy Heartfillia *slaps-forehead*

8:31 am �� Comment �� Like

Handsome Loke is hell no! I do not support this! No! I am totally against this!

8:32 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar wtf Natsu Dragoneel! Why'd you suddenly used your fire on me, you idiot!

8:33 am �� Comment �� Like �� Tag Friends

Makarov Dreyar maybe dating Lucy will toned you down Laxus.

8:34 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar is huh? Who says I'm dating Cosplay Queen? *looks-at-the-result* oh...

8:35 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia is wth! stop calling me that!

8:36 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar heh~ so you wanted to be my lover, Cosplay Queen?

8:37 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia O / / / O I never said that!

8:38 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar haha don't need to be shy, Cosplay Queen, if you want to date ore-sama you'd better be good at everything... especially in bed.

8:39 am �� Comment �� Like

Karen Lilica *nosebleed*

8:40 am �� Comment �� You like this.

Lucy Heartfillia O / / / O that's indecent! and I'm never going to date you, conceited bastard!

8:41 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar sorry but I've already made up my mind and you're officially my lover now *smirks* and it seems that everyone is supporting us.

8:42 am �� Comment �� Like

Natsu Dragoneel is totally against it, don't you even dare touch Lucy, Laxus you bastard!

8:43 am �� Comment �� Gray Fullbuster and Handsome Loke like this.

Laxus Dreyar is ignoring the flame brain,Moncler Sale, the freaking ice pervert and narcissist spirit.

8:44 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Hearfillia is shock again -.-" face book should really stop saying 'accurate' result because it's not, I barely even talk to these guys!

Lucy Heartfillia used Crush-Mometer application that predicts the people who has the possibility of having a crush on you and the results are:

Rintaro Washio - 100 % chance to have a crush on you.
Sakuragi Hanamichi - 80 % chance to have a crush on you.
Musashi Miyato - 60 % chance to have a crush on you.
Ichijo Takuma - 40 % chance to have a crush on you.
Goemon Ishikawa - 20 %chance to have a crush on you.

To play this application, please go to app(dot)facebook(dot)com(slash)Crush-Mometer

Just now �� Comment �� Like �� Take the Crush-Mometer

Shiki Senri likes this.

Laxus Dreyar who the hell are these people, Cosplay Queen?

10:00 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia none of your business… and will you stop calling me that already!

10:01 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar is hell yeah, seriously who are these people or the right question should be 'do you even like any one of them?'

10:02 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia *no-comment*

10:03 am �� Comment �� Like

Cana Alberona Laxus sounds like an interrogating boyfriend here haha :)

10:04 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia O / / / O Cana, stop it!

10:05 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar is not an interrogating boyfriend but an interrogating lover *smirk*

10:06 am �� Comment �� Makarov Dreyar likes this.

Cana Alberona ohh~~ sorry my mistake XD

10:07 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia *groans* *face-palm* why me T.T

10:08 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia is pissed off and broke and it's all thanks to Laxus Dreyar! Argh!

2 minutes ago �� Like �� Comment �� Share �� Tag Friends

Makarov Dreyar what happened, Lucy?

11:30 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia the jerk thinks it's fun to zap innocent people! The Mayor just sent me a note that those guys from my Crush-what-ever-it-is result have been zapped to crisp awhile ago! Those poor guys kept saying my name and a man with blonde hair and ligthning-bolt shape scar back in the hospital!

11:31 am �� Comment �� Like

Makarov Dreyar you've been very bad Laxus! Apologize to Lucy and to those guys!

11:32 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar is like hell I would do that old man and you actually paid their hospital bill, Lucy?

11:33 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia is duh of course I did, it's practically my responsibility! Why'd you do that anyways?

11:34 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar is never thought you'd care and I'm only taking the liberty of telling them that what is mine is mine, so they should keep their paws to themselves.

11:35 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia is wtf who says I'm your's?

11:36 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar my thoughts exactly.

11:37 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH you freaking bastard— ... eh?

11:38 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar what now?

11:39 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia ... I uhh just noticed that you just called me by my name...

11:40 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar ... so?

10:41 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia ? / / /? n-nothing…

11:42 am �� Comment �� Like

Happy-chan :) you sooooooo liiiiiiiikkkkkeee Laxus, Lucy! Why is your face all red and you just mumbled something about 'pounding heart'!

11:43 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia O / / / O it's not and I didn't say anything,Coach Outlet Shop! Shut up Happy!

11:44 am �� Comment �� Like

Makarov Dreyar is huh? Are you sick Laxus? Your face is red, are you having fever?

11:45 am �� Comment �� Happy-chan likes this.

Lucy Heartfillia … - / / / -

11:46 am �� Comment �� Like

Laxus Dreyar … shut up old man.

11:47 am �� Comment �� Like

Happy-chan cute couple! :D

11:48 am �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Hearfillia WE'RE NOT,Outlet Coach!

11:49 am �� Comment �� Like

Gray Fullbuster is ? / / /?

Gray Fullbuster took Lover-Mometer quiz and the result is: Juvia Loxar.

To play this application, please go to app(dot)facebook(dot)com(slash)Lover-Mometer

5 seconds ago �� Comment �� Like �� Take the Lover-Mometer

Happy-chan, Levy McGarden, MiraJane Strauss like this.

Happy-chan Gray likes Juvia XD

1:50 pm �� Comment �� Like

Lucy Heartfillia there goes the happy Juvia… unconscious on the floor ^_^"

1:51 pm �� Comment �� Like

Lyon Bastia is vigorously opposing this.

1:52 pm �� Comment �� Like

Gray Fullbuster is whatever, no one is asking for your opinion, Lyon.

1:53 pm �� Comment �� Like

Juvia Loxar is YES to Gray-sama! :D

1:54 pm �� Comment �� You like this.

Gray Fullbuster is ? / / /?"

1:55 pm �� Comment �� Like

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My feet were planted on to the concrete sidewalk as I looked up at the high school in front of me. This was the cause and the center my nightmares orbited around. Everything I feared, planned, and trained almost 3 years for was inside that school. Was I really ready to face everyone? What if they all knew who I was? Then my plan wouldn’t work, and I would have done all that hard work for notta,Vibram Fiver Finger Shoes, zip, zilch, nothing. I took in a deep breath.

Just breathe Madeline. You have this in the bag. Just don’t freak out.

I built up momentum as I marched up the stairs proudly with my head held high. I pushed the doors open to face a large hallway full of my peers. Some were in groups huddled around each other talking, there were a few couples leaned against lockers making out, and some were collecting their supplies for their first period class.

But as soon as the double doors behind me slammed shut, it was like they all stopped what they were doing and directed their attention towards me. For a brief moment I felt an overwhelming feeling to barf, but as soon as that feeling started, it subsided and was replaced with confidence. I marched down the hallway, demanding everyone’s eyes to follow me, and that is exactly what happened. Instead of feeling self-conscious, it was like all of a sudden my jeans weren’t tight enough and my shirt wasn’t cut low enough.

I walked into the main office and saw a tall, middle-aged woman sitting at a desk at the entrance. Her dark black hair was sleek and cut right at her jaw line. She looked up from her computer and tipped down her glasses, glancing at me.

“May I help you, miss?” She asked in a bland voice.

“Yes, I am new at this school and I need all my information for the year.” I asked as sweet and polite as possible.

“Name?” She looked at her computer screen and was preparing to type.

“Madeline Wallace.” She typed on the keys vigorously.

“Twelfth grade, correct?” I nodded. She paused and moved her mouse around and clicked a few things. I then heard the shrill of the printer in the back. She slowly got up from her seat and disappeared into the back room, returning a minute later with some papers.

“Your classes and locker number are on the first page, second page contains your parking information, and the last page is the school year calendar.” She gave me a forced smile.

“Thank you,” I smiled and nodded.

The first period bell had already rung. So when I went back into the main hallway, it was like a ghost town. I surveyed the first page while walking. Glancing over my classes and such.

Biology first, huh? Room one eighteen.

I stopped in my tracks to glance up at the room to my left.

Ahh, one eighteen.

I swooshed my long blonde hair around and corrected my posture before walking in. The teacher was saying something about how she wouldn’t have a lesson plan till the end of the week. My presence made her stop and turn her head towards me. Curious to what interrupted their teacher, the students followed her stare. She gave me a warm smile.

“Hello dear, you must be the new student.” I returned her warmth and let out a shy yes ma’am. She waved me over and directed me to stand by her. “Why don’t you tell us your name and where you are from?”

“Well,” I started, “My name is Madeline and I just moved here from Ecuador.”

“That’s interesting!” The teacher gushed, “Were you born there or?” I shook my head.

“We moved there are few years ago, my mom volunteered her services as a doctor.” She grasped her hands together.

“Well isn’t that just wonderful! We need more people like your mother in this world,” she laid her hand out, palm up, like she was showing me something. “You can take a seat next to Mr. Hughes.

My heart stopped for a moment as I heard that name, I turned my head and there he was. His hair was short, dark brown, and messy. His emerald eyes were scanning me like I was a piece of meat, completely opposite of how he use to. Physically,Vibram Shoes, I looked clam. But on the inside, I was over flowing with rage. There he was.

My target.

It was like the beginning of my freshman year was just yesterday. I use to be the token ‘fat kid’ of my class. I had a horrible out break of pimples all along my face, but luckily, my coke bottle glasses helped divert the attention from my acne. I had my mother’s blonde hair died black and very short. And to top it all off, I had braces all along my teeth. The only thing decent about me was my eyes. The outside of my eyes was a darker grey, as it goes more towards the iris it turns to a light blue. My father had the same haunting eyes.

I was terribly shy and severely self-conscious. Very few acknowledged my existence, which is how I preferred it. I knew when I was in the center of attention, I was the base of people’s thoughts, and I would imagine their thoughts weren’t too flattering.

I managed to stay out of the limelight, until Cooper Hughes transferred from a near by school to ours my 8th grade year. He was the crush of every middle school girl, and since he had all the girls, all the guys wanted to hang out with him. He took over the school in as little as one week. So when I became the center of his cruel jokes and comments, I was also the center of everyone else’s. It had all started when I had bumped into him in the lunch line. He said that one line that would be later used as my main source of ‘thinsporation’.

“Whoa there Big Bertha! Let us get our food before you start helping yourself. There won’t be any left for us!” Laughs echoed all through out the cafeteria. After that, I never went back to the cafeteria that year. I always went to the bathroom, and waited for it to be over.

But soon it began in the classrooms, the halls, and even outside of school. Everywhere I went I was being tormented. The only safe place I had was at home, and even there my mother was always pushing the ‘get healthy’ subject. She wasn’t trying to be mean about it. She was just concerned for my health. I inherited most of my mother’s traits, but I was built like my father. She didn’t want me to end up like him, and having a heart attack at 35. He didn’t make it.

She also had a concern for my brother, but for different reasons; he is 11 years younger than me. He has my father’s black hair and my mothers amber eyes along with her metabolism. He was going to a special preschool for the hearing impaired at the time.

I begged my mother every day not to send me back to school, but I always got the same response.

“You can’t just not go back,Cheap Coach Bags! You have to learn to stand your ground.” And I knew that wasn’t an option. It would just make things worse.

By the end of the year, I was known as Big Bertha. Even the teachers called me Bertha, not to be mean, but because they didn’t know my real name. But through it all, I managed to survive 8th grade year. Summer may have been a small bit better, but I couldn’t enjoy it. I wouldn’t go out of the house. My few select friends (or friend) came over to see me; I wouldn’t get out in the pool in fear someone would see. And I just sat inside and ate my pain and stress away. Which only caused me to gain more weight.

When I went back to school, I was officially a freshman. I was now opened to the rest of the high school (8th grade was kept in a separate hallway) and I felt like a sitting duck during duck season. Now I had to worry about another 3 grades picking on me too. I thanked god every day for only putting me in one class with Cooper. But on the third day of school, it when the most embarrassing thing happened.

When I arrived to 3rd period. There was what looked like cut outs of a magazine stuck to my desk. When I got closer and started to observe. In the middle there was a big picture of my face, and it had a huge, glued, open mouth pasted over mine and my head was combined with the body of Buddha. There was a piece of cake traveling in my mouth. Then the rest of the clippings that surrounded it was advertising weight loss pills, exercise machines, and diets. Everyone was laughing. The teacher even let out a snicker. Even though my eyes started to water, I refused to let them see me cry. It took everything I had not to, but I forced my way out of the giggling classroom.

I was quickly walking down the hallway when a laugh in the empty hallway. I looked up and stopped. There stood Cooper with the biggest smile plastered on his face. I forced myself to hold back my emotions. He walked towards me and stood within 2 two feet of my reach. He started laughing. Anger boiled in my veins.

“What is so funny?!” I yelled. He just gave one last hardy laugh.

“You,” he simply said. I burrowed my eyebrows. “I do have a question though, why are you getting so worked up over something you know is true? Do you really not know that you are fat?” My face softened as he continued. “Why get upset over the truth?”

“Because,” I searched for something to say, “Even though I know it, it’s still hard to cope with without someone rubbing it in.” He shook his head.

“If you don’t like it, maybe you should drop two hundred pounds. No one will ever want a fat girl. Especially one with a pizza face, owl eye glasses, and a metal mouth. No one will be there to hold your hand when you go into cardiac arrest.” It was like he hit a reflex, and before I even knew what happened. I heard a ‘pop’ echo in the empty corridor.

I had slapped him.

“Up yours Cooper.” I said as I walked past him towards the bathroom. He turned around angrily.

“Just wait till you show your ugly face here tomorrow. You will regret being born!” He yelled as I went into the bathroom. I hid in a stall and called my mother.

I told her what happened all the way home. She finally felt sympathy, and enough of it to get me away from this place. After she picked my brother up, she made the announcement that she was pulling us out of school and moving to Ecuador early and that I would we home schooled. I had never been so happy in my short, entire life.

Those next few years living and volunteering in Ecuador, I started losing weight from where I just lived off of fish and rice. On top of that I was hiking and swimming almost every day. Once I had lost 30 pounds. I had a little bit of a struggle,Beats By Dre, so mom ordered prescription diet pills and would go to the nearest city to retrieve them. I started running and doing exercises to tone my muscles. In all I had lost 100 pounds those three years in South America.

My ‘thinsporation’ was constantly hearing that first statement that Cooper had said to me in my mind, and knowing when I returned I was going to make him feel sorry. When I returned the summer before my senior year, I went to an eye doctor and stalked up on contact lenses. My acne had subsided by it’s self. I also bought make up,Fiver Finger Shoes, and some extremely cute clothes from stores that I have always wanted to shop at. I finally felt confident enough to wear clothes that I always thought were too good for me. For once I felt comfortable in my own skin. My legs, arms, and my stomach were now toned. But my favorite was my stomach, you could see the outline of my abs, and I had the slight slope that I had only ever seen in magazines. My amazing figure had a dark completion due to almost constant sun exposure while living on the equator. My hair had grown all the dark color out and was now blonde and went a little past my mid back. It had a natural wave to it, which I loved. To add a little eye appeal, I went to a local hair salon and got some bleach highlights.

And now, here I am. Taking a seat next to Cooper Hughes. With my dark wash skinny jeans that had a few select rugged holes, a plain white v-neck, and my red toms. I was as confident as ever. I was ready to reel him in and break his tiny, little, cold, withered heart.

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