
frmarch can be input

The use of open source dictionary API, developed a Android dictionary, using the Dict.cn Open API interface, basic principle: send word request to dict.cn. Word says you want to query words, such as to the query Hello, like the Dict.
cn request, dict.cn server will return a XML, there are notes, such as sentences, phonetic symbol.Therefore, development of very simple.Here I used GAE (Google Application Engine) server, the client requests through my GAE server, and then to the Dict.
cn request.The specific implementation, look at the code on the line. The main difficulty is: 1 Android 2 Layout 3 XML analysis of arrangement of gravity sensing events but is worth to draw lessons from the idea is to send the request, through the clouds, data to the client thought, should in future be.
So the application, still have guiding significance.By mouthing about B / s application server, that Brower is very difficult to get all the client demand, such as to the happy farm game, substantial resource files need to be downloaded to the local, also known as a pure sense of the B / S application source code download? Go to the following: later grew into an open source project, mainly to achieve the following functions: 1 support online search, and saved to the data base, this part involves the knowledge of SQLite, from the glimpse of a facet of embedded database.
2 save to the database, the word does not need to be downloaded from the Internet, which can support offline queries.And you can review query words.And support the word memory hierarchy, because the query words, mostly users interested in words, tool can learn user memory model, thus helping the word memory.
3 support external tools frmarch, can be accomplished by the tool will be XML format word, into the database, so no need to search words.At the same time also supports word derived from the tool.The first function has been achieved, the second part realizes.
A third function is planning.The second version of the code download URL: http: / / download.csdn.net / source / 2288196 basic functions: input, according to &ldquo demo ” query; query button, “ please later query frame ” said online online query results.
Click " " that this was hidden, the next query time, directly from the local query, it can be off-line! Review tools can see the current preservation of word, shows only ten results. The input box, can be input, thus found the need for word, click on the words you can see the meaning of words.
The pop-up box to pop up the meaning of words. The follow-up will achieve collection of each word. Thereby forming a need to own a custom dictionary.The most efficient to find the necessary words. Added: if the word of friends want to APP aspects of the development, please look at the two directions: 1 Server terminal building, must have their own Sever end, many independent individual APP, make use of third party API established its own application, when the last of these third party to carry out their own APP, personal application directly kill.
In addition, when the server API update, will bring disastrous consequences.2 intelligent terminal of Client technology, Android learning cost is very small, only four components need to learn, will soon be later competitors to catch up, so go bottom go a bit, if you are still concerned about the Android platform, will concentrate on DVM / JNI.
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In August 8th, with the wife to Changsha Olympics night inverted Changsha travel, rent in case of severe civil cases, criminal suspect estimate know nobody at home, break into houses -- stole my PSP2000, and wife of home computer Acer 4310 notebook computer.
In October 18th, alone takes bus from Yichang to Changsha, the route without flights, no train sleeper bus, sitting 8 hours before dawn came to the West (Changsha Changsha suburban bus station) Boutique en ligne France, a station.
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Name: simple U disk repair tool (SURT). HTA Preface: recently discovered class U disk problems is quite much, always get me this to repair.In fact, no problem, just the poisoning grossiste vetement chine, U root directory of all things have been changed to "hide + system + read-only" attribute, he couldn't get rid of it came to me.
Always use attrib command change, change more naturally tired, so do I, but also look Mo laugh.Function: can the U root directory under the file, folder, add or remove "hide + system + read-only attribute", and delete autorun.
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Dr Dre Beats and that she was beautiful. Boys didn’t hold her hand. She didn’t

- season 8 - week 24

Grace had the perfect life. She was just about to start her second year of university, doing a course that she adored, and over the course of her first year she had managed to put together the most brilliant group of friends.

First, there was Louise - actually an old classmate of Grace’s, with whom Grace had never spoken much until they had ended up in the same lecture halls and science labs. Then there was Esther: a “mature” age student at all of 24, so wise and gorgeous and worldly, with already one degree under her belt.

Along with Esther came her boyfriend Jimbo. He could be a bit of a prat (well, what else would you expect with a nickname like “Jimbo”?), but on the whole he was tolerable enough. He had a mean streak, but he could be funny too at times.

Next, there was bright, bubbly Nicole, always looking on the bright side of things. Then soft-spoken Phillip and his complete opposite, Louise’s brother Ben. Ben was great fun in small doses, but got on Grace’s nerves pretty quickly - though he was usually easy enough to put up with because he was only around for holidays. Ben, thankfully, studied in Queensland.

Rounding up the core group were Sara and Freddie. Freddie - Fredericka - an exchange student, was staying at Louise’s place over the summer rather than flying home. Sara was Grace’s best friend, and she hated Jimbo with the fiery passion of a thousand hells. But, apart from that, everybody got along. And, more importantly, everybody adored Grace. (Except for maybe Ben, who could be insanely irritating at times.) Grace hadn’t really had such a solid group of friends before, and had initially been worried about starting university. It was beautiful how neatly everything had fallen into place, with her more or less at the centre. She was the one who had independently become friends with Sara, and Louise, and Esther, and Nicole, and Phillip, and Freddie. She had put the group together. Without her, who was to say that any of them would have ever met at all?

The summer between Grace’s first and second year was amazing. The gang hung out every second day, and if Ben was a little more annoying than usual, well he was at least toned down by the fact that all the others were there, and Grace could just ignore him. There was also the fact that he was going to be flying back to Brisbane soon enough, so she figured she could manage to put up with him for a month or two: at least there was an end in sight.

And one day, that glorious end came. Ben’s flight was on Friday night. Grace learned this on the Wednesday, when she, Ben, Louise and Freddie decided to take a little road trip out to Ballarat. She didn’t really think much of it, at the time, other than mentally going “yay!” because there was still another fortnight before their own semester began. Two weeks of holidays without Ben hanging around. Bliss.

Once back in the city, the four decided to go to dinner on Southbank: a bit of a nicer place than usual, but the day had been such a fun one that nobody wanted it to end. Grace didn’t even mind sitting next to Ben for a change. It was, after all, the last time she’d have to see him until the mid-year break. She could hold onto that lovely thought while he made fun of her and annoyed her and embarrassed her. She even let him hug her good night when they parted at the station - then she all but skipped down the street to her tram stop. She was free of Ben! Free!

The next day, Grace received a text from Ben. Would she like to come into the city on Friday [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Dr Dre Beats[/url]


, for his last day in town? Grace sighed as she read the message. She couldn’t think of a decent excuse to make up. She was seeing the others on Saturday anyway, so she couldn’t really fake sick on Friday and then be perfectly well again by Saturday noon. She only worked one day a weekend, and couldn’t invent herself an extra shift - Louise had used to work with her, and would see through the excuse in seconds.

Oh well. She could put up with Ben for one more day, she figured, replying the message. And it would be nice to see the others again, of course. Esther had just gotten back from Bali that morning; maybe she’d be there as well? And maybe she’d be without Jimbo, which would mean Sara would probably be there. Although Grace loved all her friends, she particularly adored the comfortable trio than she, Sara and Esther made up.

Not knowing what the plan was, on Friday morning she dressed particular nicely - just in case. Pretty sandals, the new top that Freddie had given her for Christmas, her favourite skirt. She spritzed on a little bit of perfume, and stuffed her bathing suit into her handbag - again, just in case. She was at Spencer Street (as it was still known then) by five past ten, only five minutes late.

Weirdly, none of the others were there yet. Only Ben was sitting by the designated meeting spot. Ben wearing a collared shirt, and smart slacks. Ben looking kind of half eager, half nervous, as he drew forward a huge bouquet of flowers that he’d been hiding behind his back.

Grace had never received flowers from a boy before. Grace had never received flowers before, full stop. There were a lot of things that Grace had never experienced before - she had certainly never been on a date with a boy before either.

And this was certainly, most assuredly, a date.

Fleetingly, the thought passed through her mind that her mother had been right: apparently, boys did tease the ones they liked. It was briefly funny to think that Ben had been so embarrassingly, irritatingly, frustratingly annoying because he liked her: talk about propagating a stereotype! But then that was only really funny to think about in a distant sort of a way. It was less funny to think about when walking down Bourke Street with Ben sweatily holding her hand. Even less funnier when he sat her down on a bench in AMP Square to tell her how pretty she was, and then how hopelessly in love with her he was.

Grace suggested that they keep on walking, because AMP Square was kind of a weird place to be sitting with a boy when you were nineteen years old and holding a giant bouquet of flowers. She proposed that they get something to drink. She honed in on the noisiest, most overcrowded Coffee HQ that she could find. They were barely able to hold any sort of conversation, let alone the deep and meaningful confessional that Ben clearly wished to continue with.

Alas, the drinks were not bottomless, and they eventually had to move on. Grace looked anxiously at her watch, but it was barely one o’clock. Ben’s flight out wasn’t until quite late - he wouldn’t have to be back at Louise’s to grab his bags until at least seven, wouldn’t have to be on a train out of the city until around six. At least that meant Grace wouldn’t have to have dinner with him, but she was still stuck with him for another five or so hours. And there was only so much a girl could walk around the city when her sandals were rubbing a blister onto her heel.

The flowers which had seemed so lovely and surprising that morning were starting to make her feel ill. She had no idea what to do. She was so far out of her comfort zone that she didn’t even know who she was on anymore. Grace didn’t get into situations like this. Grace wasn’t asked out by boys. Boys didn’t tell Grace they loved her, and that she was beautiful. Boys didn’t hold her hand. She didn’t want them to. She’d thought about it all idly before, of course, but had never actually yearned for a boy to fall in love with her and take her hand in his. The idea hadn’t really appealed to her. It still didn’t.

At one stage she switched the flowers, just so that she could remove her hand from Ben’s grasp. Like a ninja, he ducked around to walk on her other side. Could she get away with holding the flowers two-handed? Maybe she should buy another drink or something, something that she absolutely had to hold in her non-flowered hand...

They paused somewhere for lunch. Ben pulled out the chair for her. It was awkward. It was sweet, yes - but so awkward. After lunch, they went and sat on the grass - Grace’s feet were by that stage killing her, forcing her to admit defeat. She pulled off her sandals, whipping her feet away like lightning when Ben tried to touch them. It was bad enough when he put his arm around her, holding her close.

...But it was weird that it was bad. If she thought about it, she did like Ben - when he wasn’t being annoying. At first, she had been upset when he had teased her because she had thought they were friends. She had thought he liked her - just as a friend, of course. When he had made fun of her, it had actually stung. She should be over the moon to find out that he did like her after all. Not scared because he liked her perhaps a little too much. Really, she should be flattered. He thought she was beautiful. He’d said he thought he was in love with her. She was nineteen and had never even been kissed! That day ought to have been the greatest of her life to date. There was clearly something wrong with her. Maybe all she had to do was just get over herself and enjoy it all, because this was what girls did. This was what life was. She was a girl. He was a boy, and he liked her. That was good, and right. And about damn time, too.

So when he tried to kiss her, she let him. And it wasn’t really all that amazing, but Ben seemed to have enjoyed it - so Grace let him kiss her again. And again. In the end, she lost count, as they sat on the grass and kissed. She even tried kissing him back a couple of times, figuring that she couldn’t just sit there like a stone statue. It wasn’t all that exciting... but she had to do it, didn’t she? She was nineteen, and nobody had tried to kiss her before. She knew she wasn’t pretty, no matter what Ben said. He was probably her one and only chance.

So when his hand appeared on her leg, she just grit her teeth (mentally, that is; they were still kissing after all) and put up with it. That was what normal girls did. They weren’t scared of being kissed, of having a boy’s hand on their bare knee. God, sixteen-year-olds did this! And more.

However, she figured it was time to stop when one of his other hands (he seemed to have about five by that stage) touched her breast. Over the clothes, thank goodness, but it was still very much in that area and she did not want it there. Nor did she want the other hands on her legs and waist and neck and back, and she really hated his tongue in her mouth, and she was not enjoying kissing Ben the more she did it. The longer they went on, the more uncomfortable and afraid Grace felt. She’d thought the scared feeling would go away as she got used to it all, but it had only increased: grown larger with time, and then doubled because she didn’t know why she still felt so scared when it was just a little kissing, and all girls did that sort of thing!

She managed to push one of Ben’s hands away, but they just kept on coming. He was so much bigger than her, so much stronger; she couldn’t stop him no matter how much she tried. She tried to block out the fear - all girls did this, all girls liked this, it wasn’t like they were even doing anything - but still almost sobbed with relief when suddenly Ben’s watch began to chirp. Time for him to be heading home.

She allowed him one last kiss just before the train doors closed. It seemed only fair, after all.

Then she went home and threw out the flowers, burned the top and skirt, smashed the perfume bottle, and sat on the floor of the shower until the hot water ran out.

She didn’t end up going out to meet the others the next day after all. She didn’t meet up with any of them for five days, until finally Sara dropped by to see what was up. After a few bad lies, Grace closed the bedroom door and told Sara everything.

About time you got a little action! Sara laughed. She didn’t say so in as many words, but it was obvious she thought Grace was stupid for being so scared. Of course everyone was a little nervous the first time they did anything, but it wasn’t as if Grace and Ben had slept together or anything. Jeez, they’d only kissed and made out a little!

Later that night and unable to sleep, Grace slipped one of the razor blades out of her biology lab. kit and took it into her bedroom. She just wanted to see what it felt like. It hurt far, far less.

She didn’t make plans to see any of the others for the remainder of the summer. None of them made any contact with her, either - except for Ben. Grace ignored his messages, his calls, his emails. She spent most days locked in her room, hating herself for feeling so stupid and scared. She gave herself a deadline: first day of semester, the old Grace would be back. She would get over herself and stop ignoring her friends. She would forget that day with Ben, and not let it bother her anymore. After all, why should it bother her? They hadn’t even done anything.

Grace got to the lecture hall early on the first day. She saved a row of seats. Nicole was the first to come in, a minute or two later. She glanced around - surely saw Grace - and made her way to another empty row. Then Louise and Esther came in. They did see Grace.

They walked right past her. The rest of the group filed in, filing past Grace. Only Jimbo stopped to acknowledge her.


Grace watched in shock as her gang sat down together happily, without her in the middle of things. They laughed and joked around as they awaited the professor, occasionally turning around to smirk at her, or shoot her dark looks.

You don’t lead a guy on like that, Nicole said when Grace managed to get her alone. Sara told us everything. What are you, frigid or something?

Grace tried to say how scared she’d been, but Nicole only rolled her eyes. Louise wouldn’t speak to her at all. For the first time in known history, Sara sided with Jimbo on something; she told Grace to stop acting like Ben had done something bad, while Esther told her to stop trying to slander his name. It wasn’t Ben’s fault that Grace was a freak. It was Grace’s fault. Something was clearly wrong with her. Normal girls didn’t get scared from just a little kissing. Normal girls didn’t make out with a guy and then totally freeze him out. Grace had really blown it this time. They didn’t want to be friends with somebody like her. Ben was their friend too, after all: it was him against Grace. And Ben hadn’t been the one to do anything wrong. Grace was acting like a pathetic little kid; it was high time she grew up.

Ben had done nothing wrong. It was her, it was her, it was her.

After three days, Grace made the decision to take the semester off. By the time she returned, her classes were full of new and unfamiliar faces. In a campus the size of hers, she easily never bumped into any of her old friends. She sat alone in lectures, did not make conversation with her lab. partners, ate lunch by herself.

She was lonely, but she of course had only herself to blame. All she could hope was that next time would be different. Next time she would get over whatever that stupid fear was. She would talk herself out of feeling uncomfortable. She would call the next boy back and let it all happen again, and again, and again. The thought made her shudder, but when the time came she would do it. She would have no other choice: that was, after all, what normal girls did.
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Concept:JUnit is a regression testing framework .The JUnit test is programmer tests ( for unit testing ) ,the so-called white box testing .Features: 1 used for testingresult expected assertion ( Assertion ) can be tested before setting a desired results & # 20540;,and then use assertions to determine expectations & # 20540;and the actual & # 20540;whether the same .
2 for the sharing of common test data test tools by using the JUnit test data will be saved to the database ,so other people can directly use .3 to facilitate theorganization and running of the test suite using JUnit test is very simple, as long as the heir to the TestCase can be, and you can use the JUnit Test directly run the test method .
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,also can create a main method ,setting operation mode for graphics or text ,in Java Application operation .
Example :in the first project to introduce the JUnit jar package ( in Hibernate_Home / lib / directory) ,and then write the test class :package com.dan.hibernate ;import junit.framework.TestCase ;import org.
hibernate.Session ;import org.hibernate.SessionFactory ;import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration ;public class SessionTest extends TestCase {public static void main ( String args ) { / / Text Test running device / / junit.
textui.TestRunner.run ( SessionTest.class ) ;/ / graphics test run of junit.swingui.TestRunner.run ( SessionTest.class ) ;} public void testGet ( ) {Session session = null ;try { / / read the hibernate.
cfg.xml file Configuration CFG = new Configuration ( ) . Configure ( ) ;/ / SessionFactorySessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory ( ) ;session = factory.openSession ( ) ;session.
beginTransaction ( ) ;User user = ( User ) session.get ( User.class ," ;4028983c35b79b760135b79b77aa0001") ;/ / actual values String username = user.getName ( ) ;/ / set the expected value String expected = " ;Zhao Dandan " ;;/ / use assertions to view the expected value and the actual value is the same this.
assertEquals ( Expected ,username ) ;System.out.println ( " ;testGet: " ;username ;session.getTransaction ( + ) ) . Commit ( ) ;} catch ( Exception E ) {e.printStackTrace ( ) ;session.
getTransaction ( ) . Rollback ( ) ;} finally {if ( session != null ) {if ( session.isOpen ( ) {session.close ( ) ) ;} } } } } using a JUnit running testGet ( ) results :the
success of console output :testGet: Zhao Dandan fails then the console output ,while JUnit will prompt the failure :the use of text test runner ( using the Java Application running main
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Dr Dre HeadphonesBlogs - Chris DeSantis - Don Schollander- A Freestyle Great on Floswimming

Due to the high volume of requests that I make this post, I'm getting to my Don Schollander article. Ok, ok, not that many people wrote it. Fine, no one even so much as mentioned Schollander to me this week. Still, I wanted to write a companion piece to my argument for Ragnhild Hveger as the greatest female swimmer of all time. The problem was, I just couldn't decide who the greatest male swimmer ever is. Phelps and Spitz are obvious picks, Weismuller if you want to way back. However, I'm choosing to write about Don Schollander first. Schollander is often overshadowed by Spitz, who burst onto the world scene just as Schollander was past his prime and immediately broke his records. Still, to many in the swimming community [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Dr Dre Headphones[/url]


, Schollander remains one of the all time greats.

Schollander possessed a unique ability to dominate across distances that has been matched by few. In 1964 he won Olympic gold in both the 100 and 400 meter freestyle. The 200 was his best event but was not contested at the Tokyo Games. The best modern analogue for Schollander is the recently retired Ian Thorpe, who at one time was the world's best in the 200, 400 and 800 free. Schollander's performances, however, changed the ceiling in the sport far more drastically than Thorpe. Before Don Schollander, the world record in the 200 free was 2:00.3, and by the time he retired it would be 1:54.3. Amazingly he lowered the world record by %5 over the course of a few years. To compare, Thorpe lowered the world record from 1:46.70 to 1:44.09, a drop of %2.5. If Thorpe had assaulted the world record in the 200 free the same way, the current world record would stand at 1:41.46, far faster than Phelps' current time. It could be argued that the 200 free was less competitive in those days because it wasn't an Olympic event. Yet, when Spitz was done lowering the 200 freestyle during his legendary Munich run, he had only managed to beat Schollander by a second and a half.

One of the other reasons Schollander attracts less attention is because of his relatively short prime. Again, today we are accustomed to swimmers having international careers that span multiple Olympics. Ian Thorpe shocked the world by retiring at the age of 24. Schollander was only 22 when he hung up his goggles following the Mexico City games, and his career length was fairly typical for amateur athletes of his day.

Two more Schollander related notes before I wrap this up. Amazingly enough there is some footage of Schollander swimming at the Tokyo games:


Also for a lighthearted story about Schollander's competitive tendencies, I suggest you read this Craig Lord story about the recent death of one of Schollander's rivals:


Got any other submissions for a possible greatest male swimmer of all time outside of Phelps, Spitz and Weismuller? Send it in and if I agree you can expect a post with me singing his praises.

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Dre Beats UKThe first 1988 compilation of published five million word dictionary, 2008 new Obama spe

The first1988compilation ofpublished five million word dictionary ,2008newObama speech at rotten Zhang Fang should micro-blog in nearly 1000 microfriends enthusiasm the invitation, I not only, starting today ,in the creation of intermittent time, with the traditional way ,to a friends tell me on the way of learning English the profound experience .
Below is the first lecture content ,content of course ,very long ,long ,was the first to speak .Ha-ha. -- -- -- -- -- (a friendly reminder :the static under heart to come from the reading ,to the end, even if you are not too understand the English part ,I promise ,you will be great .
Please believe I I !) Wag :a veteran teacher ,the rostrum lesson one ,like blow leather ,about brilliant ,to form the excellent students who the teacher, it is not easy to say ,it is holy !How can I exception ?Find two I I in the English world made brilliant things, show in the .
See me old enough cattle ,whether you recognize my qualifications of English learning .Past shows :1988,someone still in high school ,whether to give up his studies and thinking to cable to Zhang ,I have in actively organize the famous English professor ,to discuss joint efforts for people to compile new English-Chinese dictionary of things .
In 1988, now it seems somewhat distant ,so do not call themselves English predecessors be afraid not .It will have a longer ,modesty, I I really is English predecessors .What type of compiling dictionary is the best ,most can effectively help the English learners ?This is the time I have been thinking about .
With the issue, I also visited Beijing Shanghai is my English senior specialists .Including the compilation 70sand 90all the way to the most famous dictionary dictionary experts ,the commercial press in 1981 founded theEnglish world chief editor Mr Chen Yuguan .
The house behind the Beijing International Hotel press English world the editorial department in Xiaolou, leaving me with Mr. Chen several talks in compiling a dictionary of memories .In addition also includes live in Shanghai 80 time,cultivate a batch of another batch of English expert ,scholar of the new English-Chinese dictionary edited by Ge Chuan old gentleman .
Also, and was already senile old Mr Xu Guozhang dictionary compilation of a thing, had a simple painting exchanges .By visiting artists and with the expert in English correspondence ,I know ,everyone on the then Chinese students English vocabulary expressed dissatisfaction with the situation .
Based on this ,I decided to compile a focus on English vocabulary to master of Science in big dictionary .After nearly four years of hard work ,to whole society published dictionary .The dictionary name ,I would not be disclosed ,that is thought to have advertising danger .
But I want to tell me is, as the dictionary is a former foreign minister Huang Hua .But ,unfortunately ,I am old Mr Huang Hua ghost .Ha-ha. Yellow former foreign minister read my written work, expressed full identity ,then ,signed his name .
But the preface is to cultivate 80 timeof a batch of another batch of English scholars new English-Chinese dictionary a book editor Ge Chuan old gentleman himself to .Unfortunately ,I can not for the ghostwriter .
I will first give the old provides book all the basic information ,the old person reading ,writing in the preface .( picture ) the past show two :2008 11months early,the United States of America president was born .
I was at home all the TV media to open .There are CNN ,BBC ,with Al-Jazeera ,with Russia today ,a German English station .At the same time also to open the computer ,connected to the internet .
Only Obama ,the first black president in speech when feeling .Obama impassioned speech ,in all media, was simultaneously broadcast .That kind of feeling really shocked .I so soon in the New York Times to find instant accurate English speech content .
With a frozen chicken heart ,will Obama speech translation .As I was getting ready to hang out translation, find new blog announced a high-profile ,it has to hang out his own version .Still heading to write the official version .
What do you mean ?Is suggestive of everyone to follow learning translation templates ?Previously, I know some English in New Oriental School ,should belong to dare to list .Then ,it detailed reading .
I thought so .This is the English translation? Also ... Also .The official translation .?Translation a blunder .And is the common blunders ,expose oneself to ridicule .Mistakes are not only a half ,but many .
What a shame !I didn hesitate ,stick to a thing once begun ,continuous write three long post ,harsh criticism . Beijing Youth Daily and other media reporters to call ,about the matter ,and directly to the East .
The answer is: are they no comments .No comments to not comment, however ,they clearly know that translation is a serious problem .So ,quietly began to modify ,in particular I pointed out several major common mistake ,all one one correct .
At the same time ,the official version of official two word quietly removed .Summary: the first show of the two things .Of course there are many similar things ,time is limited ,not in the first return again in the show .
Indeed ,if you will favour ,recognize my old qualification ,then million hope you way to support affixed to the top ,to Zhang encouraged .Zhang also in this table :a state must try to deliver the goods , Series Novels intervals ,as far as possible to write this blog .
A then a write ,from simple to complex ,from the shallower to the deeper ,from the outside to the inside ,the English learning process ,including the tips ,including tricks ,including the skills ,said a as clear as noonday ,all through .
To let you feel my Lao Zhang is really your future in a few months is not easy . it is fortunate to have them unconscious English teacher ,you say? Finally, also hope you experts in English ,English lovers ,there is the child in the home wants to learn ,learning to learn ,learn ,is not too ideal parents ,to help children with English but if their English pronunciation is not good affects the child parents ,the English level the level annual pay ,but always however ,TOEFL GRE perennial paid but ,ten years mouth but with a dumb person ,a lot of post your comments and opinions .
I must according to schedule ,without reservation to sequentially write I think it solution ,can ?Below are three attachments ,are an important part of the back .Which has long been a part of my view ,can help some people to clarify some vague concept .
-- -- A :80after 90 and after,do not necessarily know Huang Hua .In this brief account .( picture ) on October 25, 1971, the United Nations will enter China to the United nations .Then the Chinese Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua ( left ) ,namely Hong Huang stepfather ( she recognize his stepfather ,I don ) ,in the United Nations China chair laughing .
Qiao Guanhua left ,is China ambassador to the UN and its security council representative ,he was Minister of foreign affairs Huang Hua .This photo was very famous .-- -- report of two :new version translator ,you so the translation is a little too _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ three rated Obama victory speech ( the new version of the November 9, 2008 me) ( total hits 21000)Zhang Fang explains .
This is the last article .The first criticism of New Oriental Post on Sina home later, somebody puts forward some of my critics .But ,look, I know the write post person or do not understand English ,or is otherwise hard .
In fact ,the most starts me at the translation ,the translator is basically the level of high and low .Is it right? Experts ,a start ,know have .This is the truth .This is the third article ,a blog ,write three critical essay ,also I did some depressed ,this translation standards can make people depressed ,really is his .
Ha-ha. In fact ,I found I really for the man some worrying, you feel not dependable ,estimate that this man will be in some places out of a big city .Sure enough, go ,see She was there for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses in Birmingham ,a bridge in Selma and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome.
Yes ,we can. ) she saw was there for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses ,Bermingham Searl Ma Jian bridge .A preacher from Atlanta who told a people :we can !.Yes ,we can ., indeed is really intolerable .
Do not believe ,you also get gas flat ,a few minutes ,look ,make the common mistake in translation ,but also is suitable to continue to give broad reader .Can honestly say ,this guy is from beginning to end all the wrong version ,I have picked out .
But I ready for it ,also want nothing to do with what his theory .Because ,a level not discuss is sometimes very tired thing .This is the last and he dispute again again .Because of the above mistakes ,you can see ,he really did not match when the translation .
Especially for the English translation of the translation control .It was too difficult for him .In order to better understand me to care about things ,please see the following final source: This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations .
But one that s on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta . She a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election ,except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 yearsold.
This election has created a number of ,the birth of many stories that will be told for generations ,but that is a ballot in Atlanta women :Anne . Yes ?.She and millions of voters queue does not have what difference ,except for one thing :she was 106 years old.
She was born just a generation past slavery ;a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky ;when someone like her couldn t vote for two reasons - because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.
She was born just a generation past slavery .When there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky .When someone like her couldn first because she was a woman ,second because of the color of her skin .
And tonight ,I think about all that she s seen throughout her century in America - the heartache and the hope ;the struggle and the progress ;the times we were told that we can t and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes ,we can.
And tonight, I think about Anne in the the United States over the past one hundred years experience :the heartache and the hope ,the struggle and the progress ,the times we were told that we can to age, and we now this time .
Now ,we firmly believe that American creed -- yes ,we can !At a time when women s voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed ,she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot Yes ,we can.
Women had no right to speak ,they had dashed hopes .But Anne alive today ,see them stand up ,they express their opinion, had the right to vote .Yes ,we can .When there was despair in the Dust Bowl and depression across the land ,she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal ,new jobs and a new sense of common purpose Yes ,we can.
The last century thirty the United States of America depression across the earth ,a desperate .She saw the United States with a new deal ,new jobs and a new common pursuit of conquer fear .
Yes ,we can .When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world ,she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved Yes ,we can.
During World War II, the bombs fell on our harbor over ,tyranny threatened the world ,she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness the United States ,they are save democracy .Yes ,we can .
Then ,is above my list of source text and target text ,read it again :She was there for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses in Birmingham ,a bridge in Selma and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome.
Yes ,we can. ) she saw Montgomery bus Bermingham ,hoses ,Searl Ma Jian bridge .A preacher from Atlanta who told a people :we can !.Yes ,we can .He translated into at this time, can really tired tired ,or is crazy ,how could he think Obama will like him, in his victory speech ,in the whole world is watching ,crazy about some of these trifles of small things ?The 106 years old woman ,is for experienced a Montgomery bus Bermingham hoses ,Searl Ma Jian the bridge a preacher from Atlanta who told a people :we can to bring Obama excited must here said what ?The man with the translation ,it is too far .
This is absolutely not the English teacher true level ,absolutely not ha .Well, I try to give the man a lesson .However ,this is not a English lesson ,but the United States of America contemporary history courses ,strictly speaking ,is the United States of America black struggle history .
Look and listen to the class, is it right? I say is true .Read it again : She was there for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses in Birmingham ,a bridge in Selma and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome.
Yes ,we can. ) my translation :she saw was there for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses ,Bermingham Searl Ma Jian bridge .A preacher from Atlanta who told a people :we can !.Yes ,we can .
In fact ,a little difficult .Obama is in the United States and the world to express as the first African-American president of the United States feel .So ,it is by his 106 year oldwife experience ,or what one sees and hears ,to express their feeling content .
He is in fact in the history of the American blacks in the United States of America hundreds of years to encounter discrimination of pain experience .He said these words is not long ,but every word is a story ,contains every American knows black bitter history .
The translator should take Montgomerie and was not able to pull the car Association ,Bermingham and not then take on the water ( wrote this ,I couldn help laughing ... ) Pull the relations ,the Searl Ma Jian bridge so ignorant to write in the blog, it is ridiculous to the extreme .
Look ,this sentence contains the story ,claiming to know much English. People are heard ,the man should be cramming .Obama first came to the bus ,Montgomerie story .At the Alabama Montgomerie in this place, a discrimination against blacks is specified ,all black bus, climbed into the car to go behind ,and whites are sitting in the front of .
It is a shame black rules .Later ,in 1955, when a black boycott of the bus by the wave ,the wave is very quickly in the whole nation caused great concern ,after a year of boycott ,( English is used, boycott ,learned of it, the word ?) Finally ,the United States Supreme Court ruled that Barabbas Ma Zhou and Montgomery bus to discriminate the black acts in violation of the constitution ,shall be banned .
That is to say ,the United States of America Black won a rare victory .The translator will not know the background at random to translate a sentence she saw Montgomery bus this is nonsense ,ha ha .
I give the guy with a map, it is caused by disturbances in the famous black car bus photo ,you have a look carefully .( picture ) to see Obama in this paragraph say second words ,read it and what the story :She was there associated for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses in Birmingham ,a bridge in Selma and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome.
Yes ,we can. ) you translation :she saw was there for the buses in Montgomery ,the hoses ,Bermingham Searl Ma Jian bridge .A preacher from Atlanta who told a people :we can !.Yes ,we can .
Pay attention to the translator Bermingham the hoses this sentence be rather baffling .The United States Bermingham places this ,won connected to a pipe .Bermingham places this is because 1963 springmonths black fight stories, famous in the whole world .
This place called Bermingham ,is also a city ,is also located in the racial discrimination is the most serious in the alabama .Martin Luther King ,( heard of ?) He was here with a lot of black people to city hall to protest .
He was one of the most famous proposition is non violence .But any non-violent eventually much evolved into violence .Many students in the struggle ,in protest ,results ,Bermingham finally ordered the city rulers ,use of fire extinguishing water cannon ,to black with bullets .
The results ,in the country has caused great attention .The translator was translated into Bermingham hoses ?With the pipe what does it matter ?Give a figure ,is that the Americans see water cannon students real map .
(image ) and then look down ,apparently ,look at this guy translation Searl Ma Jian bridge ,also must be a problem .We may see, this sentence ,also must have a shaking heaven and earth black for their rights ,to fight the story .
Well, I still don tell this story .And one for the English translator ,I hope he goes to check for American contemporary black struggle history .Is not difficult to find the .I first provide a and the Searl Ma Jian bridge photos ,all Americans read a famous photograph ( picture ) :finally ,put this man does not know what is going on in the We shall overcome ,also be stuck here .
This is a black protest songs ,the song is a hymn .In addition ,the name of this song, because the translator is completely tired to chaotic state ,so translation is wrong .All the songs ,I give here :We shall overcome We shall overcome We shall overcome some day Oh ,deep in my heart I do believe We shall overcome some day We ll walk hand in hand We ll walk hand in hand We ll walk hand in hand some day We shall all be free We shall all be free We shall all be free some day We are not afraid We are not afraid We are not afraid some day We are not alone We are not alone We are not alone some day The whole wide world around The whole wide world around The whole wide world around some day We shall overcome We shall overcome We shall overcome some day addition, then the missionary words ,to put it here, give this man .
May the translator does not know Obama here why should carry a missionary .The missionary who is ?If known ,would not take a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that We Shall Overcome.
translated into a preacher from Atlanta who told a people :we can . .This is not accurate .Another point ,is the preacher translates into missionaries ,also shows that the man was trying hard to learn more about the knowledge of christianity .
This is the United States of America important religious .Martin Luther King ,is not a ,but the priest . Missionary and priest in Chinese, in the religious definition, or at least the literal meaning of distinction .
For the translator how to do ?I criticized the translator as New Oriental official authoritative translation ,like a lot of people are not very ill-affected ,this I know .But the truth is out here .
The mistake like this, however ,is unjustifiable .In fact ,if I is the translator words ,will not go to New Oriental to others to do, but to put their knowledge to raise up ,academic right ,related to the country of commonsense things get familiar with no later .
In addition ,this effort is not certain to please the English-Chinese translation of the work, not everyone can do it .This thing ,do not say is the translator ,is generally very understand some English people ,also easily dare not promise .
As I write ,I suddenly joy .In fact ,I know ,this work is also very difficult for the man .There is an old saying ,do not know the man heard : no diamond ,will not take China to live .
Oh ,well, I criticize your blog ,estimates were not welcome you in new oriental .Then when is the right to academic discussion .A lot of places ,I write may be emotional ,asked the translator is massive package inclusion .
-- -- report of three :Sina exclusive release Zhang official Obama speech in translation ( total hits 79000)Zhang Fang Obama: how to win the election? With a passionate speech ,with a hook heart touching sentence ,with a shocked soul vocabulary ,but also with his faith and hard work .
Who heard him speak, and almost without exception was his conquest, who saw his lecture style of people ,all for his clever and lovely vocabulary infection .Obama set off a whirlwind swept across the United States ,too ,has shocked the world .
But the domestic ( including the official version ) all about his speech translation ,but are surprised .Wrong is wrong, not only not fluent, is not the next sentence ,you copy me ,I for you, a mess .
Someone asked me :Obama said what, at sixes and sevens .So eloquent man ,could be elected president of the United States ?This question really touched me .I know ,Chinese is now too requires an understanding of a real Obama .
If Obama is to use our translated these scattered sentence ,won the United States presidential election ,is inconceivable ,is illogical .Only one point, that is some Chinese translation officers out of the question .
What the problem is ,I have before up to three of post ,stated ,no longer .Regarding Obama this victory speech ,I would like to say a few words .His speech ,will become a classic speech .
If you can recite it ,for English learners ,is certainly a good idea not to learn English ,but like the speaker ,is also a good idea .Certainly, his speech ,will and Martin Luther King .
I have a dream and we will overcome all barriers ,become Chinese speech the best learning materials .In order to answer the above questions people problems ,in order to better that I was writing a book chapters in perspective ,I spent time and effort ,the great power of the speech ,to a good translation .
Also let us feel the Chinese true Obama style ,he used words experience beauty, appreciate the shook the soul of the sentence .Now I put the whole translation, exclusive hang on to my Sina blog ,whatever you ,also please respect the old me ,to indicate the source and the translator surname who .
On the English language :the English language is the most accurate ,Obama every word ,and even some desultory words ,are wholly intact hangs in the above .On translation criteria: accuracy ,precision ,and accuracy .
There is no accurate ,it is all nonsense .The translator imagination [url=http://www.beatsbydreaudio.co.uk/]Dre Beats UK[/url]


,which only belongs to the translator ,not Obama intention .On the translation theory :translation is dancing with shackles art .
That is to say ,must always be faithful to the original text ,and on this basis ,try to find the closest expressions in chinese .On the Obama victory speech genre :such as the title, must conform to the speech genre ,catchy, some colloquial ,and provocative ,not in Chinese to deliberately drag .
On the speech of the words and sentences, before three blog has written very clearly .Interested friends can view ,carefully ,and continue to research, to see if there are any better ,or if there is more accurate and more exciting methods give everything to get the best level .
It revealed that ,my translation is currently the most accurate ,the most fluent ,the closest to the original ,is also the most cattle ,show disdain for all versions of the bible .However ,I sincerely welcome tile criticism ,particularly welcome the real person Ariadne .
Thank you. In addition ,see me fiercely criticized the new translator ,I have made a lot of serious translation errors on ,has quietly changed .I appreciate it .However ,the version still exist many problems must be modified .
I here one one raised .Suggestion :New Oriental to find a translation of the standard is perfect ,a new translation ,and posted about the original version ,to eliminate the bad influence .
Hope that the new translation quality significantly more than their own translations .I am looking forward to .Ha-ha. In English :Obama 2008 presidential electionvictory speech Zhang Fang Hello ,Chicago Chicago ,Hello !If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible ;who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time ;who still questions the power of our democracy ,tonight is your answer.
Is it right? If there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible ,if there is the confusion in our founders dream ,today is not fresh ,if there is anyone out there who still questions the power of our democracy is strong not strong ,( so ) ( happen ) tonight is your answer .
It s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen ;by people who waited three hours and four hours ,many for the first time in their lives ,because they believed that this time must be different ;that their voices could be that difference.
This answer ,by the continuous three or four hours at school, in the church ,a long row of the team given by people ,this situation has never happened in American history .There are a lot of people are for the first time in their lives ,because they believed that this time must be different ,that ,them ,their voices could be that difference .
It s the answer spoken by young and old ,rich and poor ,Democrat and Republican ,black ,white ,Hispanic ,Asian ,Native, American ,gay ,straight ,disabled and not disabled Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are ,and always will be ,the United States of America.
This answer ,is composed of the following people : we are young and old, rich and poor ,Democrat and Republican ,black ,white ,Hispanic ,Asian ,Native American, gay ,straight ,disabled and not disabled .
All these Americans ,were sent a message to the world ,that is ,we have not only accumulated countless individuals ,not just the red states and blue states ( Republican ) ( representing the Democratic Party) mixture ;we are ,and always will be ,the United States ( i.
e., the United States of America ) .It s the answer that that led those who ve been told for so long by so many to be cynical ,and fearful ,and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day .
It s been a long time coming ,but tonight ,because of what we did on this day ,in this election ,at this defining moment ,change has come to America. For those who have long been indoctrinated not letter ,fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to people, tonight ( all ) is also an answer .
We can control on the arc of history ,and the arc bending ,make it back toward a better future extension .It ,but tonight ,because of what we did on this election time ,at this defining all the time to make everything ,change has come to america .
A little bit earlier this evening ,I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain . Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign ,and he fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves .
He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine . We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader . I congratulate him ,I congratulate Governor Palin for all they ve achieved ,and I look forward to working with them to renew this nation s promise in the months ahead.
A little bit earlier this evening ,I received a phone call from Sen. McCain ,Sen. McCain very gentleman grace .He was the campaign ,made a hard and long to pay .However ,his love for the country ,give more difficult and time .
He has endured sacrifices for America ,most of us cannot begin to imagine .And now ,we are for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader the dedication ,is living a happy life .I congratulate him and governor Palin had won all the congratulations .
Also, I look forward to in the next few months ,together with them ,to revitalize the national work .I want to thank my partner in this journey ,a man who campaigned from his heart and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton and rode with on that train home to Delaware ,the Vice President-elect of the United States ,Joe Biden.
I want to thank my partner in this journey for the campaign ,he make all-out efforts ,for those who work with him in the Clanton grew up with on the streets of men for vocalization ,together with him on a train home to Delaware ,the men and women of sound .
He is ,the vice president-elect of the United States ,Joe Biden .And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last sixteen years ,the rock of our family ,the love of my life ,our nation next First Lady ,Michelle Obama.
Tonight, I can stand here, because I have over the past 16 years, my best friends ,the rock of our family ,the love of my life ,our nation first lady ,Catherina Yim Obama, always persist firmly in support of .
Sasha and Malia ,I love you both more than you can imagine ,and you have earned the new puppy that s coming with us to the White House. Sasa ,and Maria, I love you two ,love more than you can imagine .
And you have earned the new puppy ,it White House .And while she s no longer with us ,I know my grandmother is watching ,along with the family that made me who I am . I miss them tonight ,I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.
Another ,she ,I know ,the grandmother in the high sky she is looking at me ,with all the training I become such relatives together, looking at me .Tonight, I miss them, I know ,I told them forever be indebted forever .
To my sister Maya ,my sister Auma ,all my other brothers and sisters ,thank you so much for all the support that you ve given me . I am grateful to them. I would also like to thank my sister Maya ,my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters .
Thank you to give my full support .I am grateful to them .To my campaign manager David Plouffe ,the unsung hero of this campaign who built the best the best political campaign I think in the history of the United States of America ;to my chief strategist David Axelrod ,who has been a partner with me every step of the way ,to the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics you made this happen ,and I am forever grateful for what you ve sacrificed to get it done.
And to my campaign manager, D Plouffe ,he was the campaign of the unknown hero ,but he is done the best ,I think ,is completed in the American history the best political campaign .To my chief strategist D Aike ,Russ Rhodes, he is in my way campaign, always stay with me .
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One year ago I wrote my first blog for floswimming. In it, I pitched the idea of writing a blog that tried to put what's happening right now in swimming in context with what's happened. I was inspired to write for floswimming for three reasons: I love the site, I love swimming, and an interview Garrett did with Jay Fitzgerald down at Pine Crest. I went hunting for that interview today. In it, Jay commented on young swimmers not knowing the history of the sport. I thought there were, and that floswimming was the perfect forum to draw those people out.

Over time, the blog has trended more to the present. i still try and do a flashback every now and then. Our sport has come along way over the years. I'm not going to discuss the growing professionalism and profile of the sport; other people have done that far better. I'm not going to talk about solutions to fix swimmings "problems". For my one year anniversary blog, I wanted to talk about what makes swimming a great sport. These are the reasons I love swimming:

1. Morning Practice. Seriously. There is something incredibly satisfying about accomplishing something first thing in the morning. I'm not pretending that morning practice is always fun the second you wake up or when you walk there in the cold darkness. But once you take the plunge, you've got to be proud that the first thing you did, before most of your peers woke up, was make yourself better.

2. Our community. Other sports should be so blessed to have the people we have in it. Do you think Bill Belichick would take the time to invite flofootball to his practice, diagram a few of his plays and let you put the whole thing up for free? No way. But Richard Quick did just that, and he wasn't alone. Would Dirk Nowitzki ever give the public a blog about his life as an athlete with half the insight of Darian Townsend? The greats of our sport be they coaches or athletes, appreciate swimming and the modest fame it has given them. Our athletes are for the most part professional, mature and display great sportsmanship.

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, its to never give up. The first two years I swam as a youngster, I never beat one other person in a race. However, at the end of every year I could look at my times and see tangible improvement staring me in the face. Perseverance is everywhere in our sport. Its Dara Torres giving it one more go at age 41. Its Misty Hyman's last 50 of her 200 fly at the Sydney Olympics. its Jason Lezak, unremarkable on the international stage upon graduating from college, training twelve more years. If he doesn't have perseverance, we never see the greatest relay performance of all time.

4. A sport for life. This goes hand in hand with perseverance. Over the years, particularly this last one at floswimming, I've met so many people. They've been every speed, age, and experience level. They're all training for something different. Once you've got swimming in the blood, its pretty hard to shake it. And no matter who you are, the sport has something to give while you have something to give back.

Well folks one year later I know about swimming. I know as I go on there will be new reasons, but I'm hoping that most of these stay the same.

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Beijing time on October 3rd,2011South AmericanChampionships smooth ending, Brazil women three in straight sets to 3-0victory over theArgentina team to win the gold medal .So far ,the 2011 women Cup race seat identified ten seats ,are Japan ,Kenya ,the United States ,China ,Serbia ,Brazil ,Germany ,Dominica ,Algeria and South korea .
relationresultIn theSouth American Championships in the two semi finals, the powerful Brazil women to win three straight games 3-0Columbiateam advanced to the finals ,the three game was 25-18,25-7and 25-20;subsequently, the Argentina female volleyball team is the same with 3-0 zeroletter of host team Peru won the final qualification, three innings victory is 25-15 ,25-23and 26-24.
Because of Argentina women world ranking is twenty-fifth ,far below the ranked eighteenth in South Korean women ,so only the title to advance women .relationresultHowever,ranked first in the world the Brazil female volleyball team have total control over the final contest of the initiative ,the time-consuming 57 minutes three in straight sets to 3-0through the Argentinateam won the gold medal ,the three game was 25-10,25-7and 25-17,the South American Championships in the final five matches without losing a Bureau eye record eventually ending .
The final score was the main Jacqueline to King Brazil Jin received 14 points in the bag,the Argentina female volleyball team the highest score is a measly 6 pointsagainst An Dong neira .
relationresultAs thehost of the Peru women adjust to the last third place contest finale debut ,in the face of strength and no less the Columbia team in the first two games of the competition is very intense, only 25-23and 25-22respectively witha narrow lead to win .
Columbia women 3-5backwardforce equaling to 7-7 and back to 9-7 ,while leading to obtain board to 24-21 waseven after two close to 24-23 ,but then or in 25-23 draw a bureau.Peru women home team cheers in fourth Bureau respectively leading to 9-6 and 15-10,and in maintaining the advantage to the 23-21, the final 25-22 lockedbronze medal harvest .
relationresultThe 2011 womenCup will be held from November 4th to 18,at the same time the London Olympic Games the first important qualification tournament ,the world cup top three team will take the lead in qualified for the 2012 London Olympic Games,in addition to host the Japanese women automatically get a ticket to the world cup ,Africa ,North America champion Kenya women Championship ,the Asian American women Chinese women Championship ,Serbia women champions of Europe and South America champion Brazil women will be the first to share five promotion places .
relationresultAccording to theFIVB World Rankings of January 15th ,Europe Germany women runner-up tenth ,thirteenth runner-up Dominica women in North America ,Africa runner-up Algeria women fifteenth ,except Japan Asia second good result of eighteenth South Korean women ,while the South America runner-up Argentina women world ranking is twenty-fifth .
Therefore ,Germany ,Dominica ,Algeria and South Korea as the intercontinental championship the best ranked four runners-up also gain qualification for the world cup .relationresultWomencurrently only two wild card will respectively by the FIVB and the Japan Paixie specified, the 2010 world champion Russia Women ,women in 2007 World Cup champion Italy,and the January world ranked seventh in Poland and eighth in the top two in Cuba for lucky .
( Hu Yanyu Sohu sports ) , relationresultThe 2011 womenfinal rankings of the South American championship :relationresult01,Brazil ( won the 2011 World Cup tickets) , relationresultIn 02,Argentina
, relationresultIn 03,Peru , relationresult04,Columbia , relationresultIn 05,Uruguay , relationresultIn 06,Chile , relationresultIn 07,Paraguay [url=http://www.in-moncler.com/]Moncler Jackets[/url]


, relationresultIn 08,Bolivia , relationresultThe 2011 womenChampionship
in South America each single best awards are as follows :relationresultThe mostvaluable player :Xie La ( Brazil) , relationresultBestscorer :Madelyn Ni ( Columbia ) , relationresultThe best
offensive player:Marie Anne ( Brazil) , relationresultThe best blockplayers :Fabiana ( Brazil) , relationresultThe bestservice player : Los Lei Na ( Columbia ) , relationresultBest defensive
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TOP147 news, world cup of pool coming in September 6th to 11 in Philippines held in Manila, won the two famous local combined effren Reyes and Francesco left Mandy said recently, for the third time to win the World Cup trophy feel confident.
In 2006 in the Welsh Newport held the first doubles World Cup, Reyes and Mandy won the Bastar brilliant, and the tournament was held in Philippines in 2009, they have also succeeded in front of the hometown elder take the trophy that year defeating Ralph Su Kui and Thurston Horner, the German combined final, still known as the world one of the most classic final pool.
Two Philippines legend and have been together 103 years turtleneck, but apparently they are still most people value."We left in the tank with fuel," the bastard Mandy make fun of to say, "the problem is, every time the mistakes we will make the arthritis.
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The audience gave us great support, two years ago we won the championship is they created everything."Competition from 31 countries of 32 players to participate in, the venue for the Philippines Manila SM Mall North shopping center, the total prize money of $250000 limit high.
As the host team Philippines will send two athletes to participate in the event of, in addition to two legendary veteran portfolio, another pair of contestants also have very strong competition ability, they are the current world number one Denis orcullo and 2006 world champion Ronnie al Kano.
Oklo said: "the Chinese team as the defending champion is still our main rivals, the Chinese Taipei, Germany and England are very powerful.Last year the Chinese team lost make us feel disappointed, I hope this can get better results.
"During the contest, Philippines's Solar Sports in the race will be broadcast live, Matchroom Sport will be produced in 31 hour match the essence in the world broadcast.(TOP147 reporter. Civet) source TOP147.
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Encyclopedia of card supporting line :the stock market by the impact of bad news ,the stock fell to a certain price ,be short of that have good prospects of gain ,a large number of stocks to buy ,the price will not fall, or even rising trend .
Stock prices fell when the crossing is called support line .What is the basic function of directory support line operation technique principle and application of calculation method of what is a support line support line is also known as the resistance line .
When the stock price dropped to a certain price nearby, price stopped falling ,even could rise, this is because many in this purchase caused by .Support line to prevent prices continue to drop role .
This prevents the stock prices continued to fall the price is the line of support location indicator technical analysis indicator technical analysis method is to consider all aspects of market behavior ,the establishment of a mathematical model ,gives the mathematical formula ,a manifestation of securities market : one aspect of the essence of the digital ,the digital call index value .
According to the index is worth specific numerical and mutual relationship ,directly reflects the securities market ,to conduct our operations to provide direction .The commercial press dictionary of securities investment explanation :support level support line .
Recognized by the market supporting stock price moving average .When the stock price dropped to the point that the rebound .Technical analysis that the support line for a stock or the entire market at the bottom of the stage .
When the stock fell close to the line of support ,technical analysis is called a test support ,rebounded to test successful .If the test line breakdown support ,the share price will continue to fall in search of new support .
The market will bear gas diffuse .The basic role of support line and pressure line is prevented or temporarily blocked stock to continue to .Support line price changes is the trend ,want to maintain this kind of trend ,keeping the original direction ,we must break through the block move obstacles .
For example ,to maintain the market down, must break through the line of support resistance and interference ,to create the new low ;to maintain prices rise ,must break through the rise of pressure lines and interference resistance ,create new highs .
Thus ,support line and pressure line sooner or later there was a possible breakthrough ,they are not sufficient to prevent the stock long maintained the original direction ,only to a temporary halt .
At the same time ,support line and pressure line has completely stop the price according to the original direction changes might be .When a trend ended ,it would not be a new low and high ,so the support line and pressure line is very important .
Support line is the important method of graphic analysis .Generally if the stock price in a certain region fluctuates up and down [url=http://www.monsterheadphonesforsales.com/]Monster Beats Sale[/url]


,and in the area of cumulative volume greatly ,so if the stock price at or below this area ,it will naturally become the line of support or resistance line .
These had a large volume price is often caused by resistance line into a support line or by supporting line into the line of resistance :resistance line once ran ,will become the next slide support line ;and the support line once below ,will become the next rally resistance line .
Support line in an uptrend ,next time if not hit a new high ,i.e. no breakthrough pressure line ,this trend is in a key position ;if the next price down through the rising trend of the support line ,this resulted in a trend has become very strong warning signal usually ,this means ,this round of ascendant trend has ended ,the next step is to move toward the process of falling .
Similarly, in decline ,if the next is not low, no breakthrough line of support ,the downward trend is already in a very key position ;if the next stock price upward breakthrough, the downtrend line pressure ,it sends this downward trend will end the strong signal ,stock price the next step will be to rise .
First stage : the hypothesis of stock price manipulation skills from the support line upwards ,then the bull a ( in the support line near and below support line operation diagram of buying people ) will feel happy ,and I buy too little ,short B ( on the support line in the vicinity of and below the sell person ) will regret it, the stock price to this kind of joy and regret will be more serious ,and those who wait-and-see person C ( hesitant and not buy people ) see also bought shares rose ,the price to want to buy the desire is stronger .
With the stock price rise ,will add a ,BC would buy up high ( which constitute the d ) ,share prices rising .( this may be from the turnover point of judgment: such as turnover suddenly released massive ,ABC here panic buying ,this will cause the follow-up buying power is insufficient, the stock price to continue to rise ;such as turnover suddenly released massive ,continues to shrink the quantity rises considerably ,but explain buy sell is scarce, a good bargaining chip lock ,subsequent rise space greatly; if the volume is bigger and bigger, the narratives of participants chase to buy more and more active ,equivalent to a limit is reached at the resistance region -- the stage at the top ;the best situation is moderate sustained volume ) this stage active trading, trading is usually very big .
The second stage :as prices continue to rise ,the history of the hold-up disk e (which is always there, especially in the history of intensive transaction area will be more -- this is the share price rises to historical transaction-intensive region mostly to start to adjust .
) began to appear -- because the quilt for too long ,they now is the greatest desire release to sell ,and a part of the ad a in particular feel rise too high selling ,a part of the BC due to price too high to buy shares in the will ,therefore ,will stay or not to stay will directly go down (note slightly to stay and not stay ,the former general has the main activities of the funds ,which indicated that the main the activities of capital is not obvious ,for individual acts of .
At the bottom of the region ,the occurrence of such a situation more and more illustrative ) .This phase of the transaction volume will be great ,usually after the first stage ,also be equal to ,greater than the first stage .
A large volume of transactions that still has a lot to forget about one values in buying ( f ) .The third stage :as stock prices continued to fall ,in the stage of top high up buying (f ) and a history of intensive deal area did not sell in a timely manner to the ( E ) appeared deficit, they will regret it ,so a few people stop-loss selling ,one part person ( unresponsive and midline bullish person ) to continue holding ,early in the support line part of buying near (a ) and on the way to buy up profit ( d ) will choose to sell ,and want to buy the watchers will prices fall and stop, decided to see the situation made the choice .
Thus ,leading to a further decline in stock prices ,the volume gradually atrophy .The fourth stage :the shares close support line ,profit-taking gradually less ,bear has no active throws chips ,and apply for fall too deep to stop selling .
Then begged for be less than, plus much increasing bargain-hunting ,therefore the stock price get this support .In addition ,because the stock price had previously been in the bottom pick-up (mostly close to the cost of regional ) ,also enable investors to the region as a support to sell ,so the line became a support area .
This phase should light trading volume ,minimum .Principle and application of in the K graph ,as long as the lowest price in the same small interval appears multiple times, then connecting the two lowest price and extended into a line of support ,it vividly describes the price at a price range, the demand is greater than supply imbalance .
Support line when the transaction price fell into this interval ,due to the sales increase, the expectation ,the price picks up a u-turn .The essence is due to the former stage :repeated this ,price range, the accumulation of large volume ,when quotes from up and down to close support line ,short sellers have clear profit chips ,hand has no suppress shorting chips ;do more cash bargain hunting ,form the demand ;hesitate about what move to make them locked in deep, chips locking is not easy to sell .
So in this price range supply is less than demand ,naturally formed a strong support base .In addition ,due to the market many times in this turn ,also established a broad investor psychology to support the price interval .
Technical analysis will have greater cumulative volume price interval defined as transaction-intensive areas ,which in this area has a high turnover rate .Concentrated area Jincang want to profit until the price rose to the cost of above, the incoming person that holds the chips ,as long as there is no right after the potential loss of confidence, is not in this price range out of chips ,because holding chips Hard Trading in a dream ,so the market is below this price .
On the other hand the short side is because the transaction-intensive ,holding up the volume, the hands of chips have been spent ,namely market chip supply atrophy ,although there will still be part of the potential loss of confidence after throwing chips ,but also cannot become climate .
Even if the support line to be temporarily break as long as neither with the volume ,or a variety of bad appearance ,the price will return to support the line above ,the majority of investors psychological support to be enhanced .
The quotation in the transaction-intensive areas for temporary support, after the potential there are two possibilities: - ,is a rebound ;two is the majority holding chips are loss of confidence ,look bad after potential, a throw ,also namely by more than double space ,support line was effectively broken, prices continue downward .
Support line does not only result from transaction-intensive areas .When the market fell to the rising wave of 50%, will be a little wheeze ,in this interval tends to produce a line of support ,this is in fact the majority of investors caused by psychological factors ,technical analysis called the rising wave ( or down wave ) to return to starting point ,the principle of symmetry .
In addition ,the lowest stage is also often the majority of investors psychological support line .Method of calculating ,the nearest eight highs and lows ,seeking difference ;two ,with the closing operation on a K ,with the lowest point, the number is tomorrow first support or pressure, such as is the closing point ,is to support .
In the pressure ;three ,the correction data, according to the K value after the inflection point average rate ,plus the K value .Rerun time is tomorrow ,second support ,pressure point ;four ,according to 5 dailyaverage rate of inflection point after 5 tomorrow,calculate the antenna position reached five ,with the use of the above ;a three data control ,can be obtained correctly point to .
Calculation example .As of yesterday after eight day high of 1431.36 .Low .1367.31. A value of 79.18. 64.05yesterday kx 64.05 = 50.7+ 1367.31= 1418.01.It closed below ( in yesterday .So is today support .
) by the K value inflection point 29.12.Are 34.45..40.9 ...61.21...66.7...71.45...79.18...8.35.Mean velocity correction value 79.18+8.35 =87.57X64.05 =56.08+1367.31 = 1423.39.( this is today a great support by the 5 day moving averagecalculation ) .
Inflection point 1390.47.... .Slightly ... .average rate for 6.28 points deducted calculated 6.28X5 ten1390.47 =1421.87isbasic can be identified today support at around 1421 .According to the main habits of disc having a day early habits.
Market yesterday to close at 1427 points can be understood .But today the market why first to 1432 will beblocked down .After the callback when red 1432 isstrong support .Is the same .Of course, can only be a tips .
If combined with other indicators of comprehensive estimation .The short-term error not more than 3 cents.In analysis of stock market should note the following 1upward trend,the correction process, the K line is the line previously appeared as weak ,especially close to the support price ,volume shrinkage, then the line quickly eat line ,stock prices rise again ,this is the effective support .
2 upward trend,the correction process, the K line frequently ,bear power increased ,even in the support line in the vicinity of slightly rebounded ,took over the lack of power, price will fall below support line .
3 in the line of support is formed near the disk file ,after a period of consolidation ,Changyang line ,line of support natural and effective .4 in the line of support is formed near the disk file ,after finishing it .
A long line, investors in order to reduce the losses ,to flee, the stock price will continue to fall period .5 stock from up to down below the support line ,that prices will be rising trend by conversion to decline .
Generally speaking ,in the rising trend ,appear intermediate downtrend ,if prices fell below the intermediate downtrend line of support ,the rising trend has ended ;in the intermediate trend, appeared secondary decline ,if prices fell below the secondary decline support line ,then the intermediate trend has ended ,the share price will in the original descent trend to continue downward .
The 6 stock pricedown by contact with the support line ,but failed to break and turn to pick up, if there is a large turnover with ,when the then declined when adjusted, to purchase ,to obtain a rebound in profits .
7 stock from up to down below the support line ,once a large turnover with ,is another period of decline ,a correction shall be shipped ,avoid bigger loss .The 8 stock pricedown by contact support line ,although not below ,but also with volume, it indicates no rebound may be ,should be shipped off .
Entry of more album extended reading: 1 :dictionary of securities investment 2 http:/ / jianfatouzi.com / Article / ShowClass.asp ?ClassID = 73 http:/ / www.iboyi.cn / 42008 Securities Investment
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