
frmarch can be input

The use of open source dictionary API, developed a Android dictionary, using the Dict.cn Open API interface, basic principle: send word request to dict.cn. Word says you want to query words, such as to the query Hello, like the Dict.
cn request, dict.cn server will return a XML, there are notes, such as sentences, phonetic symbol.Therefore, development of very simple.Here I used GAE (Google Application Engine) server, the client requests through my GAE server, and then to the Dict.
cn request.The specific implementation, look at the code on the line. The main difficulty is: 1 Android 2 Layout 3 XML analysis of arrangement of gravity sensing events but is worth to draw lessons from the idea is to send the request, through the clouds, data to the client thought, should in future be.
So the application, still have guiding significance.By mouthing about B / s application server, that Brower is very difficult to get all the client demand, such as to the happy farm game, substantial resource files need to be downloaded to the local, also known as a pure sense of the B / S application source code download? Go to the following: later grew into an open source project, mainly to achieve the following functions: 1 support online search, and saved to the data base, this part involves the knowledge of SQLite, from the glimpse of a facet of embedded database.
2 save to the database, the word does not need to be downloaded from the Internet, which can support offline queries.And you can review query words.And support the word memory hierarchy, because the query words, mostly users interested in words, tool can learn user memory model, thus helping the word memory.
3 support external tools frmarch, can be accomplished by the tool will be XML format word, into the database, so no need to search words.At the same time also supports word derived from the tool.The first function has been achieved, the second part realizes.
A third function is planning.The second version of the code download URL: http: / / download.csdn.net / source / 2288196 basic functions: input, according to &ldquo demo ” query; query button, “ please later query frame ” said online online query results.
Click " " that this was hidden, the next query time, directly from the local query, it can be off-line! Review tools can see the current preservation of word, shows only ten results. The input box, can be input, thus found the need for word, click on the words you can see the meaning of words.
The pop-up box to pop up the meaning of words. The follow-up will achieve collection of each word. Thereby forming a need to own a custom dictionary.The most efficient to find the necessary words. Added: if the word of friends want to APP aspects of the development, please look at the two directions: 1 Server terminal building, must have their own Sever end, many independent individual APP, make use of third party API established its own application, when the last of these third party to carry out their own APP, personal application directly kill.
In addition, when the server API update, will bring disastrous consequences.2 intelligent terminal of Client technology, Android learning cost is very small, only four components need to learn, will soon be later competitors to catch up, so go bottom go a bit, if you are still concerned about the Android platform, will concentrate on DVM / JNI.
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