
Monster Beats SaleSupport line

Encyclopedia of card supporting line :the stock market by the impact of bad news ,the stock fell to a certain price ,be short of that have good prospects of gain ,a large number of stocks to buy ,the price will not fall, or even rising trend .
Stock prices fell when the crossing is called support line .What is the basic function of directory support line operation technique principle and application of calculation method of what is a support line support line is also known as the resistance line .
When the stock price dropped to a certain price nearby, price stopped falling ,even could rise, this is because many in this purchase caused by .Support line to prevent prices continue to drop role .
This prevents the stock prices continued to fall the price is the line of support location indicator technical analysis indicator technical analysis method is to consider all aspects of market behavior ,the establishment of a mathematical model ,gives the mathematical formula ,a manifestation of securities market : one aspect of the essence of the digital ,the digital call index value .
According to the index is worth specific numerical and mutual relationship ,directly reflects the securities market ,to conduct our operations to provide direction .The commercial press dictionary of securities investment explanation :support level support line .
Recognized by the market supporting stock price moving average .When the stock price dropped to the point that the rebound .Technical analysis that the support line for a stock or the entire market at the bottom of the stage .
When the stock fell close to the line of support ,technical analysis is called a test support ,rebounded to test successful .If the test line breakdown support ,the share price will continue to fall in search of new support .
The market will bear gas diffuse .The basic role of support line and pressure line is prevented or temporarily blocked stock to continue to .Support line price changes is the trend ,want to maintain this kind of trend ,keeping the original direction ,we must break through the block move obstacles .
For example ,to maintain the market down, must break through the line of support resistance and interference ,to create the new low ;to maintain prices rise ,must break through the rise of pressure lines and interference resistance ,create new highs .
Thus ,support line and pressure line sooner or later there was a possible breakthrough ,they are not sufficient to prevent the stock long maintained the original direction ,only to a temporary halt .
At the same time ,support line and pressure line has completely stop the price according to the original direction changes might be .When a trend ended ,it would not be a new low and high ,so the support line and pressure line is very important .
Support line is the important method of graphic analysis .Generally if the stock price in a certain region fluctuates up and down [url=http://www.monsterheadphonesforsales.com/]Monster Beats Sale[/url]


,and in the area of cumulative volume greatly ,so if the stock price at or below this area ,it will naturally become the line of support or resistance line .
These had a large volume price is often caused by resistance line into a support line or by supporting line into the line of resistance :resistance line once ran ,will become the next slide support line ;and the support line once below ,will become the next rally resistance line .
Support line in an uptrend ,next time if not hit a new high ,i.e. no breakthrough pressure line ,this trend is in a key position ;if the next price down through the rising trend of the support line ,this resulted in a trend has become very strong warning signal usually ,this means ,this round of ascendant trend has ended ,the next step is to move toward the process of falling .
Similarly, in decline ,if the next is not low, no breakthrough line of support ,the downward trend is already in a very key position ;if the next stock price upward breakthrough, the downtrend line pressure ,it sends this downward trend will end the strong signal ,stock price the next step will be to rise .
First stage : the hypothesis of stock price manipulation skills from the support line upwards ,then the bull a ( in the support line near and below support line operation diagram of buying people ) will feel happy ,and I buy too little ,short B ( on the support line in the vicinity of and below the sell person ) will regret it, the stock price to this kind of joy and regret will be more serious ,and those who wait-and-see person C ( hesitant and not buy people ) see also bought shares rose ,the price to want to buy the desire is stronger .
With the stock price rise ,will add a ,BC would buy up high ( which constitute the d ) ,share prices rising .( this may be from the turnover point of judgment: such as turnover suddenly released massive ,ABC here panic buying ,this will cause the follow-up buying power is insufficient, the stock price to continue to rise ;such as turnover suddenly released massive ,continues to shrink the quantity rises considerably ,but explain buy sell is scarce, a good bargaining chip lock ,subsequent rise space greatly; if the volume is bigger and bigger, the narratives of participants chase to buy more and more active ,equivalent to a limit is reached at the resistance region -- the stage at the top ;the best situation is moderate sustained volume ) this stage active trading, trading is usually very big .
The second stage :as prices continue to rise ,the history of the hold-up disk e (which is always there, especially in the history of intensive transaction area will be more -- this is the share price rises to historical transaction-intensive region mostly to start to adjust .
) began to appear -- because the quilt for too long ,they now is the greatest desire release to sell ,and a part of the ad a in particular feel rise too high selling ,a part of the BC due to price too high to buy shares in the will ,therefore ,will stay or not to stay will directly go down (note slightly to stay and not stay ,the former general has the main activities of the funds ,which indicated that the main the activities of capital is not obvious ,for individual acts of .
At the bottom of the region ,the occurrence of such a situation more and more illustrative ) .This phase of the transaction volume will be great ,usually after the first stage ,also be equal to ,greater than the first stage .
A large volume of transactions that still has a lot to forget about one values in buying ( f ) .The third stage :as stock prices continued to fall ,in the stage of top high up buying (f ) and a history of intensive deal area did not sell in a timely manner to the ( E ) appeared deficit, they will regret it ,so a few people stop-loss selling ,one part person ( unresponsive and midline bullish person ) to continue holding ,early in the support line part of buying near (a ) and on the way to buy up profit ( d ) will choose to sell ,and want to buy the watchers will prices fall and stop, decided to see the situation made the choice .
Thus ,leading to a further decline in stock prices ,the volume gradually atrophy .The fourth stage :the shares close support line ,profit-taking gradually less ,bear has no active throws chips ,and apply for fall too deep to stop selling .
Then begged for be less than, plus much increasing bargain-hunting ,therefore the stock price get this support .In addition ,because the stock price had previously been in the bottom pick-up (mostly close to the cost of regional ) ,also enable investors to the region as a support to sell ,so the line became a support area .
This phase should light trading volume ,minimum .Principle and application of in the K graph ,as long as the lowest price in the same small interval appears multiple times, then connecting the two lowest price and extended into a line of support ,it vividly describes the price at a price range, the demand is greater than supply imbalance .
Support line when the transaction price fell into this interval ,due to the sales increase, the expectation ,the price picks up a u-turn .The essence is due to the former stage :repeated this ,price range, the accumulation of large volume ,when quotes from up and down to close support line ,short sellers have clear profit chips ,hand has no suppress shorting chips ;do more cash bargain hunting ,form the demand ;hesitate about what move to make them locked in deep, chips locking is not easy to sell .
So in this price range supply is less than demand ,naturally formed a strong support base .In addition ,due to the market many times in this turn ,also established a broad investor psychology to support the price interval .
Technical analysis will have greater cumulative volume price interval defined as transaction-intensive areas ,which in this area has a high turnover rate .Concentrated area Jincang want to profit until the price rose to the cost of above, the incoming person that holds the chips ,as long as there is no right after the potential loss of confidence, is not in this price range out of chips ,because holding chips Hard Trading in a dream ,so the market is below this price .
On the other hand the short side is because the transaction-intensive ,holding up the volume, the hands of chips have been spent ,namely market chip supply atrophy ,although there will still be part of the potential loss of confidence after throwing chips ,but also cannot become climate .
Even if the support line to be temporarily break as long as neither with the volume ,or a variety of bad appearance ,the price will return to support the line above ,the majority of investors psychological support to be enhanced .
The quotation in the transaction-intensive areas for temporary support, after the potential there are two possibilities: - ,is a rebound ;two is the majority holding chips are loss of confidence ,look bad after potential, a throw ,also namely by more than double space ,support line was effectively broken, prices continue downward .
Support line does not only result from transaction-intensive areas .When the market fell to the rising wave of 50%, will be a little wheeze ,in this interval tends to produce a line of support ,this is in fact the majority of investors caused by psychological factors ,technical analysis called the rising wave ( or down wave ) to return to starting point ,the principle of symmetry .
In addition ,the lowest stage is also often the majority of investors psychological support line .Method of calculating ,the nearest eight highs and lows ,seeking difference ;two ,with the closing operation on a K ,with the lowest point, the number is tomorrow first support or pressure, such as is the closing point ,is to support .
In the pressure ;three ,the correction data, according to the K value after the inflection point average rate ,plus the K value .Rerun time is tomorrow ,second support ,pressure point ;four ,according to 5 dailyaverage rate of inflection point after 5 tomorrow,calculate the antenna position reached five ,with the use of the above ;a three data control ,can be obtained correctly point to .
Calculation example .As of yesterday after eight day high of 1431.36 .Low .1367.31. A value of 79.18. 64.05yesterday kx 64.05 = 50.7+ 1367.31= 1418.01.It closed below ( in yesterday .So is today support .
) by the K value inflection point 29.12.Are 34.45..40.9 ...61.21...66.7...71.45...79.18...8.35.Mean velocity correction value 79.18+8.35 =87.57X64.05 =56.08+1367.31 = 1423.39.( this is today a great support by the 5 day moving averagecalculation ) .
Inflection point 1390.47.... .Slightly ... .average rate for 6.28 points deducted calculated 6.28X5 ten1390.47 =1421.87isbasic can be identified today support at around 1421 .According to the main habits of disc having a day early habits.
Market yesterday to close at 1427 points can be understood .But today the market why first to 1432 will beblocked down .After the callback when red 1432 isstrong support .Is the same .Of course, can only be a tips .
If combined with other indicators of comprehensive estimation .The short-term error not more than 3 cents.In analysis of stock market should note the following 1upward trend,the correction process, the K line is the line previously appeared as weak ,especially close to the support price ,volume shrinkage, then the line quickly eat line ,stock prices rise again ,this is the effective support .
2 upward trend,the correction process, the K line frequently ,bear power increased ,even in the support line in the vicinity of slightly rebounded ,took over the lack of power, price will fall below support line .
3 in the line of support is formed near the disk file ,after a period of consolidation ,Changyang line ,line of support natural and effective .4 in the line of support is formed near the disk file ,after finishing it .
A long line, investors in order to reduce the losses ,to flee, the stock price will continue to fall period .5 stock from up to down below the support line ,that prices will be rising trend by conversion to decline .
Generally speaking ,in the rising trend ,appear intermediate downtrend ,if prices fell below the intermediate downtrend line of support ,the rising trend has ended ;in the intermediate trend, appeared secondary decline ,if prices fell below the secondary decline support line ,then the intermediate trend has ended ,the share price will in the original descent trend to continue downward .
The 6 stock pricedown by contact with the support line ,but failed to break and turn to pick up, if there is a large turnover with ,when the then declined when adjusted, to purchase ,to obtain a rebound in profits .
7 stock from up to down below the support line ,once a large turnover with ,is another period of decline ,a correction shall be shipped ,avoid bigger loss .The 8 stock pricedown by contact support line ,although not below ,but also with volume, it indicates no rebound may be ,should be shipped off .
Entry of more album extended reading: 1 :dictionary of securities investment 2 http:/ / jianfatouzi.com / Article / ShowClass.asp ?ClassID = 73 http:/ / www.iboyi.cn / 42008 Securities Investment
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