
UGG UK Iron gate was blown down area killed 78 -year-old ( Photos )

Scene diagram, when the yellow circle for the elderly, the location of
smashed left at the scene of the incident for the elderly wearing a sun hat
four corners fixed by the iron gate of the accident, and now has uniform break.
Weihai pedestrian street gates

10 月 25 morning, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lan people call our hotline 80,889,088 are reflected, blown down, smashed two cars. Reporters rushed to the scene and found that in addition to hit the car, an old iron gate was also hit on this, unfortunately, passed away. However, residential property,UGG UK, office staff had said they were not regarded as residential real property, so that things do not go their possession.

A reporter witnessed two cars smashed in

10 月 25 morning, reporters rushed in North Maidao Road, Jinyuan District. Went to the door at the east area, far from seeing a collapse of the iron in the two cars hit the top shelf, correspondent to squeeze you look closely, the high iron gate four or five meters wide and seven or eight meters above the words North From the field of view, iron is the original post by the four corners are fixed on the ground. Because of the wind, the roots have to shoot straight break,UGG UK, which occurred in the collapse, post has been rusting.

correspondent saw two cars smashed in a black Audi A6, the other one is a silver Fiat. Black car smashed in the rear, the front silver car smashed. Among them, the black car was smashed to more serious, less silver car is wrecked.

left at the gate, there is a key repair stalls. Stall next to a folded Mazar was thrown in there. Not far away in Mazar, a pool of blood. Not far away from the stalls below the metal framework, is also pressing a blue sun hat and a walking stick. Next to the hat, Mazar, walking stick, if get together, much like a first line of travel for the elderly.

B-site iron reduction down to click on

sanitation workers, said the king uncle: a cyclone wind to blow over, look on the back iron, and also a person smashed.

king uncle recalls -

was about 8:00, I was across the street sweeping, that would be a great wind, blowing a gust of wind from a distance, Woo Ming spinning round and round, wind, what came over. I heard behind me a great big You see a black car door retro car, it has been parked there, no one on board, but the silver car behind the bike is also open, because the front of a car, it will open to that position, no further forward to, if not the car door, open it and then going forward, it is estimated there will be people who smashed.

there is an old man, was left in the key should be spread around, but also took Mazar, what was smashed. I heard the old man's head was smashed out on blood, hey, really lucky accident, who wandered out also encountered such a thing!

king uncle think of that scene was still very scared. He said, the driver feels like something dead for a while

soon, also the key to a share of the stall. His name were, Mr. Zong said he was driving a bike is silver Yafei Te.

he was scared to say - come morning, I drove here, going into the inside, found in front of the car, I paused, want to step on the gas rush, and suddenly the iron on the shelf so back down, I sat in the cab stand and watch that the door to drop down towards me, a blank mind, thinking If then a second later, my fuel door in the past, certainly smashed in the middle, people estimate that would be finished. To be honest, drop down, I think the car door to go out, but did not have time. I just looked on the iron beams in the doors that just hit the word out, if I drive out the door, it can also be Zazhuo. So, now wondering wondering, she felt just like a back like death, no matter what step fix, I now have smashed in the following, and today is really lucky!

D family of the deceased to the hospital for the elderly not left

that smashed the old City Hospital were sent to Eastern Hospital, the reporter subsequently rushed to the hospital. Entered the emergency room, the reporter saw the door stood half a dozen relatives of elderly people, the elderly daughter cried and told reporters, Wang, 78 years old this year, before the accident, the elderly could have been basking in the street, could see the wind was getting up big, got up and ready to go home, I did not expect on the way home, suffered a unexpected calamity.

broken ribs are folded, legs cut off ... ... not the old man to the hospital, old people have to die and later to the hospital, I also hold a trace of fantasy, you want to check my father still no heartbeat, but Doctors said the old man has gone. > old man was unexpected calamity, up to now no one to say go look at their property for a control, one would say owned construction unit tube

10 25, Maidao Road, Jinyuan District is located in front of a large iron gate was blown down by wind, an innocent old man was killed, the bereaved families already overwhelmed with sorrow, but can not find the person in charge of iron leaving the family pain plus depression, are so difficult to find the responsible units on? It also provides a wake up to the reader, we are not there security risks around it? Reporters have also conducted a survey.


This should not be owned by our management

correspondent found a residential property. Property Office of Jinyuan District in the police, the brand and the brand police linked together. There is only one staff person in charge asked him where, he said, head out.

The staff told reporters: .

this thing is not that we should go to all owners ah, like the cell door is not what we should return it? to repair, they take the money because as a big guy, and if we do not pay, we did not even way the ?!district, not far from the two, ;, old eldest son, told reporters that how such a big thing it can not find those responsible? just want to say, the person in charge to send my father to send to the hospital, which is a minimum of ah.

Jinyuan North entrance gates on the issue, someone had to reflect the property, the existence of iron arches have been poor management of security risks, build, own weight on the heavy door, and arches connect the ground below where also rusty. are. official said that this matter too, he can not deal with us, but even if they are the property of the people could not handle, at least to their superiors with this, ah, here it seems is not ready to assume responsibility for the property was later responsible for people say that the gates should go to the construction unit is responsible for the results we should also not clear who was responsible in the end. Ms. Wang told reporters that the owner, , were not things, money is worldly possessions, but the death of people? impossible so forget it? so we do temporarily compensation vehicles that have let their families to solve the problem. Construction

unit leaders have to work

25 日 around 5 pm, the reporter linked to the construction of residential units, but the other said a staff member has been off work related to leadership, the reporter can not Learn more about the construction unit for the handling of the matter.

around 6 pm, the reporter once again linked to elderly family members, old son, told reporters, put the door over to the property company of the later construction unit of a responsible person to help us contact the property manager, property manager of the company, said to wait until tomorrow morning, when will we see a face discussions with about this issue because we The two sides have not yet started negotiations, so in some cases had to wait until tomorrow. Shandong Hai's lawyers believe the law firm Yuping Wang lawyer told reporters, management unit if the facility's ownership units and management units are not the same subject, usually by the management unit to be held accountable because the management unit maintenance, facilities management responsibilities, but also have the responsibility to protect installations,UGG UK, so if there is infrastructure problems, management unit should be held accountable, so for this matter, the most important thing is to find the facility property or manager. loss side should be how to maintain their rights? Wang lawyer told reporters, p>

◎ correspondents survey

how many unsafe gates

iron gate collapsed but also give us a wake up, we close the arches and billboards are not a security risk it? Reporters found that urban beautification of some play the role of iron arches and billboards do exist some problems, but ignored the public unaware of such security risks.

10 25, correspondent drove in a circle around the city, built before 2005 found a closed cell construction with arched iron gate more.

most people do not worry about iron

Galaxy Hill Road in Changchun, the reporter saw the same arched door, the door is open, the arched gates width to accommodate two cars traveling side by side, both sides of the hollow iron of the metal framework. Both sides of the metal frame below the door, the reporter saw the bottom of the black has some off, and many connections with the ground have clear signs of rust, of which two have been fixed in the ground all the rust of iron.

The reporter then interviewed a cell door had just come out of Ms. Zhao. When a reporter asked whether it was worried about the wind, there are security risks when the gates fell into disrepair, the other smiled and said: five years, and this issue certainly does not appear, right? next to the janitor, something they certainly already have seen. left.

off in Garden City North, the reporter saw the same iron, reporters, residents of the same response, when all they are showing the expression of surprise and anxiety.

more afraid of public billboards

in Taitung along the way, the reporter saw tens of meters wide, arched iron gate frame in a pedestrian street Weihai Import and Export Department, iron door is wide range of shops, where the flow of people is very large, iron gate on both sides of a child in playing with. Iron gate on one side full of parked cars. The iron by the four curved iron posts connected to the gate on both sides of the cement platform.

reporter saw many parts of the iron gate on the muster of the rust off. Iron and cement in the junction table, there are already clear signs of rust. Such a large iron framework supported by the four hollow iron, a long time will not be dangerous because of the rain soaked? Reporters interviewed business clothes near Ma, hidden. In the interview, the reporter learned that, in addition to the iron gate, stands the public opinion is the biggest billboards in the streets. Once again a strong wind can have rust all right? some billboards mounted on a building on top of a windy day to hear the crash and we have an office building on a lot when I was thinking, walking in the House Will there be anything next fall. there were already bad, and this certainly fall if the road car side of the road Zazhuo. , a three three-story concrete pillars supporting the hanging shelves of six advertising billboards in the square, where a billboard has been broken, damaged the fabric of advertising crumbling in the wind.

text / correspondent Zhang Linsheng cattle green

