
UGG Online Outlet DirectUI learning document

DirectUI study documentation 2010-12-06 17:21 DirectUI study documents
- V0 .1
- by starlove
- 2010.03.10
1, DirectUI About
2, DirectUI features
3, DirectUI related products
4, DirectUI interface programming
one, DirectUI About
DirectUI interface library from Microsoft called a window class name , meaning Paint on parent dc directly. The child window to window handle is not in the form of creation, but a logical window, drawing on the parent window. Microsoft's
traditional window interface, the user-level windows are arranged in this way there are many limitations. The current development environment we can quickly construct using standard win32 controls clean interface, but we will also immediately realized that if I imagine the interface more beautiful, more show off a little more trouble. Windows controls provide Custom-Draw/Ower-Draw technical limitations too, so basically there is no clear effect of support, while the control layout is relatively old-fashioned.
DirectUI interface library uses XML to describe the style of interface, interface layout, using the scripting language (such as vbscript, javascript, lua) interface elements such as interactivity and program logic. In this regard, DirectUI interface library can be seen as a mini-Microsoft WPF, mozilla XUL, or Adobe's Flex, these platforms represent the direction of application development, but also a lot of similar structure, such as multi-use XML-like describe the interface definitions,UGG Online Outlet, use the scripting language (xul using javascript, flex using Action Script) as a control interface and program logic elements and the interactions between. DirectUI interface library using a similar design, using the xml description of the interface, using javascript, or vbscript as the bonding interface and logic. In the control design, DirectUI more integrated into the interface library XUL, WPF, Flex and other control design, and not blindly copy the standard window controls, to expect it to become a real practical use interface library. This interface library designed
biggest advantage is that you can easily build efficient, brilliant, very easy to extend the interface. Abroad, such as Microsoft, domestic, such as Tencent, Baidu and other products than the company's clients in this way to organize the interface, which will be a very good separation of interface and logic, while the interface is easy to implement a variety of stunning effects such as changing the color, skin and transparent and so on. DirectUI interface library designed to meet the client interface to the needs of rapid development, while the skin into the forefront of industry technology for users to create more efficient, professional interface.
two, DirectUI structural features
XML and scripting interface:
interface controls using xml configuration layout
using script (vbscript, jscript) control control properties in response to the event description
using xml interface style < br> XML syntax is simple, easy to learn and master
other key features:
based on Win32 API, there is no framework dependencies.
support for changing the skin tone
transparent supports most controls, including child windows transparent
support png, bitmap, gif, ico image format. Support with a transparent channel of png
three, DirectUI related products
1, DSkinLite interface library V3.2 Dskinlite is a lightweight library for C + + skin, use an XML file according to the rules to manage the GDI resources such as colors, fonts, pictures, and describe the interface structure, the greatest degree of separation of the interface and program logic, while the software skin replacement, provide a basis for color and other support. DSkinLite constitute elements of the interface elements of abstract lines, rectangular elements, picture elements, text elements, and provide the appropriate rules to use these elements 'combination' interface.
DSkinLite and other interface library has the following characteristics: Hook did not use all the process information the way, so the system does not replace the relevant dialog box. DSkinLite just using MFC, ATL and other framework in a similar manner, simply replace the window procedure to intercept interface to draw other news, the application is essentially transparent. From this perspective, DSkinLite is a lightweight interface library. Meanwhile, DSkinLite no special Frameword dependence in Win32, MFC, ATL, WTL and other environments. DSkinLite GDI interface library resources and management using XML configuration window interface, users can easily maintain a consistent interface, and can easily construct a more efficient window style of the interface library.
DSkinLite will focus on the library's efficiency, in particular in memory usage, interface rendering speed, the interface to prevent flashing, the program load the image resource, the speed of parsing the XML file, we do a lot of work, and of the continuing optimized. To expect the most efficient performance of all aspects of the program interface library.
DSkinLite skin library program structure taking into account the possible interface effects, making the realization of such transparency, fade, fade, and other interface effects animation easier, currently supports most of the control of transparency, the follow-up according to user needs to develop more practical interface effects.
2, Skin + +
SDK reference documentation: the user and the corresponding products: Grand PPNext, Huawei espace, winrar, Jiangmin antivirus software, cool music box, PPStream network TV, on radio and television digital TV, vagaa wow Ga, Taobao assistant, Hao Fang war platform, MSNShell and so on.
four, DirectUI interface programming
1, use the header files
# include > 2, to load dynamic library
implicit link: # define DSKINDLL_API extern ;
3, initialization
BOOL CXXApp: InitInstance ()
dsLoadskin (_T (> 4, the specific use in the form
such as creating a default style of:
BOOL CDlgTest: OnInitDialog ()
dsSkinWindow (GetSafeHwnd (), SKIN_TYPE_DIALOG,
return TRUE; / / return TRUE unless you set the focus to acontrol
such as creating a dialog box (including its sub-objects so) are using the default style
,UGG Online Outlet, in addition to id is IDC_BUTTON6 button, the program will add to the button
BOOL CDlgButton: OnInitDialog ()
CDialog: OnInitDialog ();
dsSkinWindow (GetSafeHwnd (), SKIN_TYPE_DIALOG,
dsSkinWindow (GetDlgItem (IDC_BUTTON6) -
GetSafeHwnd (), SKIN_TYPE_BUTTON,UGG Online Outlet, _T (5 What is the For example:
window name = /
buttoninfo subtype = state = picfile = , 0) > 2 = 2, the property tag is case sensitive.
xml file description:
theme / / skin root tag manifest name = label define folder with the images of the skin directory,
other is the subject of the description.
In addition, the fonts, images, cursors, color definition, class self-help documents and references to help
sdk documentation.
7, Demos and more examples see the examples directory, providing a large number of beautiful effects
such as imitation QQ interface Demo, used to display a tree control:
such as game hall of the interface used to display Listctrl control:

