
UGG BootsMan to help cousin was stabbed to discuss 500 yuan arrears

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Reuters decade ago in Wenzhou, Jiangxi to the temperature spawned a career, finally, after the town in Yongjia Lu Huangcun Oubei opened a small factory, life is very good. Now, he discredited in the face of the dead cousins ​​Ding B, will have to face legal penalties ... ...

all of this, results from a $ 500 debt.

Humou with was from Jiangxi,UGG Boots, is a factory of a small staff. This is $ 500, many years ago to lend his hometown of Yang.

December 6, Humou occasional Yang, inform the discussion to this 500. Who knows, Yang actually alleging their own money, flatly refused. Yang refused, so Humou both angry and disappointed, so determined to recover debts.

about 8 o'clock that night, Humou decided to go to the town of Yongjia Oubei side of the village of Yang Pu's work, the door to ask for the arrears. For the courage to Humou, Ding A readily agreed to join them.

they arrived, they found Yang and his boss is a cold together. They are not so Humou open, a cold will open thundered, Then, after a quarrel with the first use of force.

my expectation, the cold is not a Thus, Ding A, hid in a shelter with Humou scared, and report to the police.

then, the police arrived, the cold one has been behind closed doors. A small post did not feel hurt, we demand that sales matter.

However, Powell left the police, they came out of a cold, and again with a small altercation.

night back home factory, Ding A grew more and more gas, however, they and their three together,UGG Boot, cousins ​​Ding B, C and D Yu Mou said this. Three listening, immediately

12 月 7 日 10 points, the cold of a fellow called Lu A, Lu B, Wang and others, went to the town of Yongjia Lu Huangcun Oubei to discuss mediation with a small.

However, about half of a sudden grabbed Lu Ding a hair tightly. A small three together, cousins ​​seeing this, immediately rushed past, then with Lumou, cold and other people of a scuffle into a ball. Chaos, Wang Ding Yi was stabbed evacuation hospital died.

then, a cold,UGG Boots, Lu A, Lu B, Wang, who fled the same night. After investigation, police identified a cold home, who have fled Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province, after a rushed rushed.

12 11 11 evening, Lu A, Wang, Xiushui County, Jiangxi two bridge police station in surrender.

Yongjia police are now a fugitive cold, Lumou full pursuit, also related to the case for further investigation. Chen Yanqiong Chen Peipei

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