
Moncler ShopMunicipal Housing Fund Management Center , former director jailed for bribery 1.34 milli

Metropolis Daily News (Reporters white rain) for accepting bribes and embezzling public funds, housing provident fund management center the former party secretary, director of complete well-being was sentenced to 11 years. Yesterday learned that happiness is not complete because of an appeal, the decision into effect.

Court found complete happiness of bribery 1.34 million. June 2007 to March 2010, completed the well-being using his position as the number of loans to real estate development companies to facilitate compliance, the developer has six times received 1.31 million yuan bribe. In the unit office decoration, for others to undertake projects to help, bribes of $ 30,000.

2006 June and November, for approval by the complete well-being, Fairview Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Hubei workers with false personal information on home loans, twice in the Municipal Housing Fund Management Center 8.24 million illegal loans million. The legal representative of the company after the completion of well-being 80,000 yuan Yemou give gratitude.

2006 年 to 2008, Xiangfan Hisatomi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. in the same way, has three times illegal loans to 15.4 million yuan, after the completion of well-being to give 20 million; Xiangfan Department of Real Estate Development Co., John illegal loans to 12.28 million yuan company to give complete peace 40 million; 2009, Xiangfan Department of Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Yong illegal loans again, $ 1.46 million after the New Year in the name given to complete well-being $ 100,000; Xiang Fan Hengwang Industry Group Co., Ltd. has two illegal loans 5.82 million yuan, 200,000 yuan to give complete happiness; Xiangfan days and Toyota Motor Sales and Service Co.,UGG Classic, Ltd. has three illegal loans to 14.88 million yuan, given after completion of the old bus station property development projects Fancheng 30 % of dry stock. To ensure complete peace of dry stock to be honored, without exposing themselves, let a friend on behalf of its operation, a friend to complete well-being in cash were $ 200,000 and $ 130,000.

2007 In August, the company's cash flow difficulties due to,UGG Clearance, Xiang Fan Zhengxian Zhao Real Estate Development Co. supervisors to find complete happiness, want from Xiangfan City housing fund management center loans, happiness is not complete agreement. Zhao also proposed high-interest loans to individuals, to find complete happiness for Zhao Wu for the unit. August 27,Moncler Shop, 2007, Wu and the solution does not provide a guarantee in such procedures, loan material is incomplete in the case, approval by the complete well-being, respectively, from Xiangfan Municipal Housing Fund Management Center loan 20 million, raised another 50,000 each Yuan, BI also funding $ 500,000, a total of three fund-raising $ 1 million loan to the company. And Wu solution of a share interest 82,500 yuan. September 5, 2008, Xie XX, Wu, respectively, to the Municipal Housing Fund Management Center to return their $ 200,000 loan and pay the interest.

May 21 last year, completed the well-being in the unit when employees have been punished the crime of bribery, gave himself up voluntarily to the prosecution.

the incident, the stolen money was recovered.

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